my heart cracked throught the whole chapter his family rlly did love him but couldn't geto to understand how deon felt, creating more and more misunderstandings for him and the fact cruel said "how can i hate my brother?" made me burst out in tears
they be stretching this part of the story as much as possible. LIKE ANTHEA CAN JUST LIKE COOK YHE FOOD FROM BEFORE AND BOOM ALL SOLVED BC SERPENIS CANT COOK, EAT, OR SERVE!!!
anyways this story is like absolute shit and the only thing i think about when i see dan is pity (not a good thing) also i want to burn jks house down and hang his body naked outside while its snowing so he'll die very painfully
my heart cracked throught the whole chapter his family rlly did love him but couldn't geto to understand how deon felt, creating more and more misunderstandings for him and the fact cruel said "how can i hate my brother?" made me burst out in tears
59** not 47
yea, this is all so
isnt it :(
you can just feel his hart cracking :'(
deon say that ever again!!