I think it was a good thing that Sae-won got to be with Ohn in the end. He liked him the longest, his feeling were deep and sincere. He's also such a sweetheart. Jae-won mainly started liking Ohn after spending some time with him, and that was despite knowing how much his own brother liked him. Yet, he didn't even try to resist, but instead decided to potentially ruin his relationship with his brother by betraying him. The scene where Sae-won cries in the bed after seeing them together was so sad, and Jae-won was really cold and unaffected by it.
I would have liked to see more interactions between the brothers, of them working on their relationship to recover as brothers after the whole ordeal. Sae-won took a risk when he asked Jae-won for the favour initially, yes - and he had himself to blame to an extent for what happened; but even so, I think there were plenty of opportunities for Jae-won to take action when he noticed he was developing an interest in Ohn. Overall, in my opinion, Ohn made the right choice in the end. Great story though, 5/5 from me.

I really like BLs that start out as shounen ai and then becoming yaoi later on and this one did just that. I must admit I struggled a bit with getting used to how Yeonu’s lower face looked (mouth and chin), which might just be a bit silly of me. However, I'm glad I got used to it and continued reading, because this story quickly became one of my favourites. Very wholesome, glad to see a seme who isn't a jerk also. He was respectful to the uke and didn't r**e him (that feeling when the absence of r**e makes you call it wholesome, but it kind of is when it's yaoi...). Overall an enjoyable read :)

Really enjoyed the beginning, it started out very well with a lot of tension building and interesting concepts being introduced, such as Hayoon's struggles. I also liked the story in the ending part, where Hayoon started directing his own movie. But - a lot of stuff in the middle felt a bit too long, with too much focus on smut. I feel like the smut could have been reduced a lot, and the ending part with Hayoon's movie and the awards could have taken up more time. Still gave it a 5 though, because the art was incredible, the characters were really likeable, it had some great humour (especially in the later parts) and overall it was a very enjoyable read.
I didn't expect too much from this, and I basically got what I was expecting. It was not the best story I've read, but it was decent, simply a light and easy read. Definitely good enough to be worth reading, just not one of those that blows your mind :) 4/5 from me.