Everytime i read yaoi, at the parts when the couples are making out, the semes , strangely accurately always has a condom and lubricating gel in their pocket...
Is it normal for japanesse students to bring condoms and gel to school..?

Hmmm, actually a lot. I forgot the titles, but i read 1 just now...

YES. No condom, No Fucking.

It's actually quite normal. I'm a girl and once me and my boy best friend were on the way to school and we were talking with our senior and my friend saw his wallet and said *oh I've run out of my stock of condoms* , my senior heard it and said *chill bruh I've got an extra, here take mine* *oh thanks* and I was like uh what just happened here?! (⊙…⊙ )

Idk too.. Actually me and my friends never do it except in our bedroom. There will be condoms, gel, pills or whatever in their room, but i never saw it in their pocket.. They just said it is too embarasing.. They wont do it outside their rooms, they said. But, i think it is normal to bring it with you, too. In case you wont be able to hold back (⌒▽⌒)

In my country too actually.. Our parents and teachers always check our bag and wallet 2x a day. At home in the morning before go to school, and after we get home. At school, before class and after class. I cant even bring manga to school. They take everything that not related to studying, even my lolipop god damn, that lolipop, i just bought it that day and i wait for almost 1 hour and almost late .. They took it though


I've posted something similar before. Hope it helps:

Yakitate japan!
It’s more of a bread manga, but it’s funny as hell!

Found a list for you. https://m.ranker.com/list/best-cooking-manga/ranker-anime

I am bored... Please recommend some mangas , action mangas just like black clover or nanatsu no taizai... But no echi, and no harem... Less girls in it better...

This one has a girl for a lead but it's kinda funny and has all the action you need

Here the list of my favourite manga:
1. Psyren
2. Dendrobates
3. Platinum End
4. Akumetsu
5. Dolls
Take your time checking them : )

I'm recommended this one to you:
1. Area D - Inou Ryouiki
The art is beautiful well to me is it beautiful.
The story is awesome and make you want to read more.
(Sorry, if my english is bad)

some really good manga I've read recently:
nearly all of these are ongoing though if you don't mind that!

oh shoot i forgot the all time classic:
hope you like them! :)

Guys, do you have an imaginary lover..? Maybe in the past or right this moment..? What is he/she like..?

I had a "girlfriend" who believed we were together, even though I hardly thought of us as friends, so...I guess? I'm also in love with a lot of the characters from my stories, but I think of them as my children more than anything else C:
And I just can't help shipping them w/ each other ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

My imaginary lover was Shinomori Aoshi from Rurouni Kenshin. That when i was still in middle school. I always love strong guys. A little fighting and playful is alright too, and i think maybe that's a path to be a man.. Lol.. That's what i thought why he is so charming. After middle school, my taste of men changed. The cause was Uchiha Sasuke, i started to hate cool guys. At that time i hate Sasuke the most.. Lol.. Since that time, i dont like cool and handsome boys, i preffer a smart and easy going boy, like Nara Shikamaru. But still i love strong guy. After that my taste changed a few times, and my imaginary lover become sooo perfect. Strong, smart, easy going, kind hearted, and funny. For physical appearance i love black short cut hair (almost baldy..?) .. I like them wear a suit, too sometimes. But i love them with piercings too (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I get what you mean, I love otome (the game I mentioned, Love☆Revo, is an otome), but at some points it's just like, ''what do you mean i'm the most beautiful girl you've ever met? what do you mean you'd never met someone as special as me? ....am I the first girl you've talked to in your life? did you live in a bubble up to now??? you liar. you poser. you fake.''
....still love otome tho lololol

I tried having one..
. But it was too creepy, and I felt bad for the real person for using their identity just because my hurdles are ridiculously high. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Have you guys ever experienced bullying in your life? I mean as a victim?

Yes, unfortunately.
Since I was 5 I have been insulted and also sometimes hitter.
The worst was that the teachers didn't believed me.... And they were always saying that I was stupid and I would never done something in my life. That continue until I was 13. But until 16 I suffered of depression and had no self-esteem, thanks to my best friends I passed that fase but it was really terrifying.

Me too. Not physical too, and happened for almost 8 years. I never thought the scar was deep at all, coz until yesterday i was alright. The thing is, i could survived for almost 8 years, because i didnt really feel anything. I mean, i was fighting back at them who bullied me and it consumed lots lots courage and strenght. But, not in right pace. It changed me so greatly, to the point that i almost hate myself. Like there is a big and deep hole in my chest, and everytime i see my face in the mirror, all i can see is hatred. Yet i am acting like i am kind outside. I am acting like i can reconsile with them, but deep down, i hope i can be stronger, like those strong boys in mangas i read. They really kick some asses who dare to mess with them. I feel weak, and i hope i can be a boy too, who know how to fight properly. Too bad, i cant.

i guess everyone is bullied at some point in theor life depends on where u live .. asian countries dont have it as worse as westren but bullying is everywhere. would u believe i got bullied at university .. its not that only teens have to face it . but most importantly , these are important years when one become stronger and more independent ... they dont have tp stay silent and wait for it to end .. take action .. inform ur parents or teachers or seniors who care .stamd up for urself . because if u let them eat u they will... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ and most importantly if u cant be brave , just act brave no one can tell the differe ce ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Yup. High school was pretty bad. Girls in my class would throw crumpled paper during class. Get my assignment and shamelessly copy. Talk loudly about me during class breaks (whenever they have the time really). I did not realize it at first coz whenever I talk to them they would be all smiles. A good friend told me about it and I cried a lot coz i never thought i could be hated that much and that way. So I decided to just stay out of their way. The bullying did not stop but I did not care about it anymore. I got busy with my own plans for college (scholarship and part time jobs) and my extra curricular activities (mangas/animes as well ). I still see some of them whenever I'm in my hometown but their opinions and criticisms weigh less than the stack BLs I want to read.

I can somewhat relate to you mu-chan. I pretended that I could reconcile with them but I know I was just lying not only to them but to myself. What they've done to me is just so wrong. I can be civil with them but never chummy because at the back of my mind I know they can do it again. I was just lucky I have few good friends who helped me through the whole ordeal.

Sorry about your situation.
When I was in 3rd year of highschool (we have 5 or 7 years here in Argentina, depending on the type of school), I was bullied by some random dudes from the 4th grade.
I'm a boy, and I was 15 years old back then.
Afortunately, a group of girls accepted me in, which made me very happy, even though I already had company with me.
I knew and still know how to defend myself due to Boxing classes (I started when I was 13) but i'm not the agressive type, I prefer to solve things talking.
I didn't really mind the bullies since I already had told my parents about them, and my mother went to school as fast as possible to talk about it with the school staff.
A few weeks later, the bullies had stopped approaching me so constantly and I got closer to the girls in the group I mentioned earlier. Also, this has nothing to do with the subject but there was also a dude called Andrés (Andrew), which I really wanted to get closer to since he seemed pretty shy. With a bit of time, I invited him for lunch and such and we became more and more closer that we noticed we liked eachother. That guy is currently my boyfriend and i'm really glad to have him next to me, along with my family and some friends that had no problem with our relationship.

unfortunately yes... in primary education (school) it was really bad (the daughter of the teacher and also niece frome the headschool) 9 years till 1st year of high school! but then the boy's became bullying and harassment me because i was still a virgin till my 19 years old so yeah it was fucked up to say i hate people bullying other people a lot!

Girls can be so scary.. Right? Your experience is similar with mine, umm but mine was scarier. They told me they hate me in front of my face, yet i dunno who they are. And that was the first time i met them too. After that, nightmare begin. At first, only 5 persons, then before i realised it, all my classmate, even my homeroom teacher became my enemy. I thought about it for years, why they hate me so much, and suddenly other friend from other class told me. They just hate me, no reason, that i didnt do anything to them, they just hate me out of blue. Thats all. She said they told her. And at the 3rd years, all i knew is all students in my school know about me, and avoided me. Yesterday, i just knew, lots of them scared of me, didnt know the reason thought. But my mom said, thats because i always fight them back.

i can related this one! i was 9 years bullyd and then a point turned and i really hit the girl very much because i was sick of it to be the victem and also to be culprit nobody believed me the teachers either because she was the daughter of the teacher of my school and a nice from the headschool so yeah they didn't believe me at all and nobody wanted to speak up fore me too so then one day i really hit her really bad haha :) and i must say i felt relieved :)

It started in primary school ... there was one boy who hit me and also insulted me, so i told my teacher that i wanted to sit with another person, but she did nothing ...
Middle school wasn't that bad ... but they sometimes insulted me ...
High school first year was the worst ... we had joined classes in english and one boy always threw my books from the desk... i told my teacher what he was doing (but well ... she always saw it ) ... but she had no courage so my parents noticed i was often crying and talked to the principal
At the same time there was a guy who always bowered me with pervy stuff ... thank god he had to repeat classes after 2 years ...
And the rest of the class was also saying some stuff ....
So what happened? ... i was shy at first, but started talking back (honestly, i'm not that proud of myself because of that) and they stopped after some time
Now i'm someone who always treats people kindly and they often took advantage of me, because i had decent grades ... i always noticed afterwards ... like in middle school : all my "friends" didn't even bother talking to me on the streets , although they were always asking for my help when it came to school issues ...
I see myself as someone really weak
(Sry about my bad english and this long reply)

I used to chubby when I was in elementary so I was teased a lot during 3rd-5th grade and I used to talk back to them and sometimes demonstrate my martial arts techniques on them and then on 6th grade I matured a little and ignored them instead, turns out most of the guys who bullied me had a crush on me.

Running from reality, you mean? Or just as a way to gain some courage to fight? Actually i always imagine myself become a boy, and as one of cool strong deliquent i read in mangas. I wanna fight back. But too bad i am not a boy, but honestly i have sharp tongue. And for past 8 years, i learnt it can be more terrifying than punch itself. And, it was a good experience too. Words are more powerful , they said.

Yea but I didn't take it seriously....

No. I'm not a bad ass. I think I'm just twisted since birth. I've been going to the same school as my family did for generations, so teachers love me. I bully bullies and when teachers or any adult are around I'm the best actress. Thinking back now, the guys were annoying and sometimes hurtful but I actually like the attention I'm getting. I ignored them in 6th because I was busy with anime. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

that's stupid and fucked up situation how can you hate sombody if you don't even know him/her in person and wow that's pretty childish if you ask me about those teachers and students and ow yeah no offens but whit years go bye i really became bitter and i can't stand youngers anymore (it's also maybe childish of me) but i can't seem them in a good or bad light anymore they fore me nothing! hahaha but it's sad that teachers still these days doesn't do something about those idiots prank bully's my friend she letterly did suicide because of those bully's and teachers they hurt her mentaly but most of it are physically abuse so i hate it just thinking about it makes my heart full of pain and shiver my hair on my arms i get chills to my spine just thinking how much she couldn't endure it anymore and what i hate the most when she was gone those m*ther f*ckers came on the funeral crying and saying "we miss you come back" "why are gone"....so i think bully's should get bullied even more ;'( but i know that is not fare but how much people suffer thanks to bully's why should i have symphaty fore them is they were bullied even more i think that what's they deserved :'(

pore you if i met you i would glady help you out :) if they were true friends they never will use you like that just cause you have brains and they're brains are from popcorn :) but that's a typical thing and sadly teachers does nothing they worst scums! they just close an aye on the situation and leave it like that :@ i think your english is good :)

Yep. I don't have any outstanding physical features. Fairly average. So the negative attention I got definitely wasn't for that reason. I was quiet though and this was frequently the subject that came up. Oddly enough during the brief period of my life where I became bitchy suddenly people started being nicer to me and showing me more respect. If I ran into those people today and they were hanging off a ledge I wouldn't grab their hand and I genuinely mean that. Maybe that's disgusting but they made me become thos way.

What is your favorite action manga..?
I like all about deliquents, such as crows, worst, and especially clover (tetsuhiro hirakawa). The boys in those mangas are fucking cool.

-Tenkuu Shinpan - Gotta agree that this one is pretty good.
- Ajin - Satou makes such a good villain!! Ugh~ Kai needs more screen time in this too. I really liked him.
- Apocalypse no Toride - So goooood~ Prisoners vs Zombies, best thing ever I tell ya.
- I am a Hero - The protagonist is pretty relatable and it's not every day where you see a middle aged MC. Also a zombie apocalypse manga. The live action movie to this was also pretty damn good in my opinion.

Until Death Do Us Part - http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/until_death_do_us_part/
I just LOOOOVE the whole "blind swordsman" idea. And the artwork is to DIE FOR!!

Action genre / martial art / comedy...
But no yaoi, no harem, no ecchi.. It will be better if the most character is guys. And dun have meek girls as heroine...

If you haven't read these webtoons already, they're pretty good.
Actually, nowadays i am interested in reading historical mangas. Especially those with "three kingdom" setting.. I tried to found more mangas with similar setting, but what a pity i havnt found anything.
Do you guys have recommendations..? Coz some mangas dun have summary so it is really hard for me to decide.
What is a three kingdom setting? Have you read red river yet?
ohhh now this is my thing lol. i've actually watched a a long-ass chinese drama titled "romance of the three kingdoms" not sure if it's still available for download but you can search. it's epic. a bit old tho. i think there's a modern adaptation around.
- Sangokushi
- Ravages of time
my favourite: Kingdom.
it is not set in three kingdoms but in an EARLIER timeline. when there's still 7 warring states in china.
another interesting manwha you wanted to check
- honorable baek song do
- in full bloom
if you are interested, i have watched asian historical movies in war settings too.
Ummm i read buttt i kinda didnt like it tho... I stop after chapter 10
Like return of condor heroes ? Crouching tiger hidden dragon...? I like those too
Thank you so muuucch... I just finished kingdom in 1 day..! From morning till night, i even forgot to sleep .. Lol...
540 chaps? did you sleep? lol. that would be bad for you bec it's still ongoing.
if it was me i won't be able to finish it in a day, i'm sort of a slow reader. i had this annoying habit of digesting bits and pieces. the most i could do is to read 200+ chapters in one sitting.
nope, it's historical korean war. these are all china vs korea.
- "The admiral" I LOVE it! Set around world war 1
- War of the arrows. it's simply kickass.
opps, i remember admiral is korea vs japan.
Lol... I was very curious actually. So i couldnt stop read. I planned just to checked it first, before i went to slept 2 nights ago. Yet i found it very amazing. I was so exited, that manga seriously awesome , so i couldnt stop read chapter to chapter, and i forgot to slept in the end.
Eeeppp i watched it..!! I cried a ton u know.. seriously 12 vs 200 and he even didnt lost a single ship! He was a god..?! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) god of naval battle, the greatest one in history..??