Mostly me ranting since my friend won't listen to me but novel spoilers ahead, proceed with caution!! Non-spoiler tldr: novel at least falls off, too much filler, annoying miss
I finished the novel recently and I kind of, sort of,,, hated it. The characters are really lacking in any chemistry. Every conversation is so damn awkward, not even in a fun way, and my eyes end up glazing over.
They will get together pretty soon (<10 chapters I think) but their dynamic when they're in a relationship is even worse than when they were just friends. Jigu and Yeowoon refuse to actually have a proper discussion about their boundaries and refuse to even try clearing up their very obvious misunderstandings. Like. Yeowoon knows they are not on the same page but never tries to communicate for no reason. There is literally nothing stopping him. Not one thing (mainly bc there is no plot but I'll get to that). Instead, the readers are left to suffer this contrived conflict because the author cannot be bothered enough to write a proper reason why.
The main reason I hate this miscommunication is because it results in Jigu forcing himself to do something sexual just because he thinks it will please Yeowoon (it doesn't). Their first explicit scene is general is awful. They're both awkward af and neither of them are fully into it bc no one in this damn story can communicate like a grown adult.
The second explicit scene is even worse imo, since Yeowoon never tries to speak his mind during sex and is literally afraid of having sex again bc of how painful his first time was. Idk how the audience was supposed to find the scene or their relationship appealing when we have to sit through paragraphs upon paragraphs of of Yeowoon in agony.
Jigu is so rapey too? He saw Yeowoon asleep and was like "I should just have my way with him since he can't run away/deny me now" which is ???? So fucked up???? That was the point where I didn't even want them to be together anymore.
About the plot now: the rest of the novel was such a fucking slog to get through. I read around the last 40ish chapters and I end up skimming over so many scenes because they were just in the game with Nothing Happening. No plot, no character development, no relationship development. Nothing. The game is ultimately pointless most of the time they're in it and I couldn't give a fuck anymore. Out of those 40 chapters maybe 20 of them were useless game chapters, and only 2 of those chapters had any development between Jigu and YW.
I think that's all my thoughts. Idk if the manhwa will be any better but the content in the novel itself sucks ass so I don't have many high hopes. I was so utterly obsessed with this manhwa when I read it but it's so disappointing to see how meaningless the final story ended up being.