Mimi created a topic of Anata ga shitekurenaku temo

Maybe this is just the romantic in me, but I just have a hard time understanding people who value their job more than putting effort into their marriage. (This would be true if the roles were reversed and the husband was the workaholic too). Your job is going to end someday, and after you leave no one will care what you did. Your boss is not going to take care of you when you're sick. Your coworkers aren't going to keep you company in the nursing home. Do you work to live or live to work?

I understand taking pride in your job, but if it ruins your home life, what's the point?

Mimi followed a list

Male yandere
Yeah, I keep all of them where i get the tiniest 
yandere vibes
As you can see my thirst for yanderes can't be 
quenched with one 
List #2

List #3

05 05,2024

Glad to see Annette has some sense and isn't vindictive or too perfect. She's the perfect person to empathize with what happened. I hope they become friends!

Mimi created a topic of Anata ga shitekurenaku temo

Honestly, I blame the porn addiction on You's part. Dude literally got off more from porn than his wife naked in bed. He was basically already cheating on her with his phone, chasing the unrealistic sex scenes, so it's not really a surprise that he'd take the chance to have it in real life with a random woman giving him the chance. There's no way Michi can compete with 500 videos of extreme sex where the women do things that are 90% abusive, uncomfortable, or impossible (because it's a fantasy mostly made with women trafficked as sex slaves). When that's your standard, all real sex with a regular, loving partner is going to look dull.

I wish this subject had been explored more, but the author just keeps it as a background idea. Sad, given how common porn addiction is these days.