r&c wouldve been an amazing psychological story if it focused on caesar's mental illness related to his abusive and obsessive behaviour instead of constantly bringing it up just bc "he was never taught emotions!! uwu" like i feel like he couldve been such a good portrayal of dark mental illness cause a lot of mh media make the violently mentally ill character magically recover and have no symptoms again just bc they fell in love but even though caesar fell in love he still has triggers that pull him back to his extremely toxic behaviour and im so pissed its just written off as typical asshole seme red flag behaviour (by both the author and the fanbase)..this couldve been so much deeper and interesting if we got an insight on caesars mental illness and his past and how those shaped him as the toxic person he is AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL

We did get insight on Caeser's past and how his upbringing caused him to develop the mentality that he has. There was a flashback about it and it's brought up throughout the story as Leewon realizes why Caeser is so twisted.
In the recent chapters Leewon is reminded again. "Did no one ever teach you you're not supposed to-" And that's an understatement because Caeser's life from childhood - adulthood was abnormal and brutal, like being in the hunger games. Those reasons don't justify Caeser's abuse to Leewon but the insight is there. But what would you have the author do differently in the way Caeser's mental state is represented?

its mainly me nitpicking cause this is still one of my favorite manhwas, but i feel like it couldve also been great if its genre was psychological! im glad we do get to see more about caesar and learn how his mind works and that just makes me really curious as to what exactly he has, like a specific mental illness or more specific moments in his childhood and im super curious about his younger years like as a teenager, and id love to dive deeper into that. but i feel like if we were to do so then id rather it be as a side story or an extra rather than be added to the main story cause despite the dark themes, it still has a relatively 'comedic' vibe hence it couldve been a good psychological story if it wasnt what it is right now

guys where can i read a non mtl translation of the novel?? i know theres official translations of some chapters but i heard that the official tl isnt rly good so i wanna read fanmade ones but i cant find anything past ch 200 on NU where it hasnt been updated since 2023

ill just leave this here. If you wanna read this then youll have to download an epub reading app and youll be able to read this offline

are there no non mtl translations of the novel available from ch 260??? the main story and even extras have been completed for a while and i havent seen translations get updated in at least a year. did everyone just drop it?? webnovel/com has 170 chapters and lnpub has 260 but everything past that afaik is mtl...cmon we're like 600 chapters behind i wanna binge read

The timeline is all over the place, they ruined everything, mixed events from different arcs and cut many important scenes and most importantly they completely changed their personalities. Yoojin in the novel is serious, composed, calm, never raise his voice and deadly, he casually requested the assassination of some random guy from sung hyunjae bc he was annoying lol. Istg i bet the og author is crying. So read the novel from chapter 1 and you'll see how much of disappointed this manhwa
not the 90s yaoi build