Black hair is a freaking weirdo


Why does he still call him president seo omfggg. Also the art is kinda weird ngl

Can he keep his dick in his pants please inject him with a sedative or smth . is he crazy


Why r there two different art styles


TW ED - sorry. forgot to add one when I was initially posting this comment

The manhwa keeps dropping in the fact that the mc is skinny and rarely eats we get it he’s skinny. Maybe I’m just hyper aware cuz I had ana but geez. His wrists are super skinny, he only eats salads and sometimes he doesn’t even get to eat because of work, his bmi is dangerously low, and he gets cake mostly to “look at it”??? That’s literally disordered behavior.. I did that all the time (not with cake specifically but food obsession is common amongst ppl w restrictive eds. For me, that included browsing and looking at food porn for hours instead of eating). For people that dont have a restrictive ed, it might not strike as a weird comment but I know because I’ve been through it before. You can say maybe he just likes looking at pretty decorative pastries but I doubt it’s a coincidence when coupled with all the other details ab his eating. And all of this is mentioned within 10 chapters. It’s not normal

I wanna see the mom and dad fuck cuz ik they get it on good. Minister and general would look good tgt too. You cannot deny the tension

Ok reading the first chapter. Based on my first impressions she seem hella privileged and out of touch. Like appreciate your little quiet life. People are dying Kim! and you’re complaining ab not being able to wear heels . It’s like ppl who post pics of upper middle class - soccer mom - suburban neighborhoods and lifestyle and calling it their worst fear (u have to have seen it to get it) girl that’s the end goal for most people and unreachable to some. Mc keeps describing her past life as if there was smth very missing. Don’t come for me I c y’all eating this manhwa up in the comments

Ever since someone pointed out the head to body proportions I can’t not focus on it. They downgraded the ml’s wide ass shoulders and somethings off compared to the older art (I’m picky as hell with art styles. Do not mind me) their heads got bigger by the slightest and it’s bothering me sm

☆〜(ゝ。∂) created a topic of Sketch

They jus b making smut to make smut atp


Has to be one of my favorite manhwa. I love the relationship dynamic. Plot. Everything.


Why did the art kind of fall off.. don’t get me wrong, it’s still gorgeous but why does the mc look like a child next to the ml now. Also I haven’t been reading but the mc lost a lot of his personality I think unless I’m not remembering correctly. But the mc’s early personality was one of my fav parts of the story

☆〜(ゝ。∂) like the answer
yall might hate me for this but i dont really like mafuyu sato. i get he was grieveing and recovering from yuki's death. i empathise but damn i just didnt like how it felt so one sided on ue's side. people are fr gonnna come at me i can feel it

one, the whole plot and main couple's relationship is centered around an obscure, trashy porn plot which i cannot stand.
two, the hairstylist is shady as hell and looks at the mc as an object, sexually and non sexually. ofc hes gonna go through some character development but to be frank, its just jarring to see these types of tropes.
three, i understand the appeal of a character that is clumsy and slightly aloof but imo its so overdone/ done wrong in this manhwa. the mc dead needs to grow up because theres a point it starts to become unenjoyable. its childish
four, i miss the mcs long hair
five, popular opinion but woori is the better option as a boyfriend. hes a cutie and actually has a likeable personality unlike the ml who doesnt even really have redeeming qualities minus his looks.
six, i want woori and the famous guy to at least be a side couple so i can forget about the mcs and read about woori and the famous guy's relationship. ik they would look bomb tgt.

Woori is so much better .. I hope he ends up with the famous guy they would b cute