Am I the only getting yandre vibes from the boxer hyung

I had to use google translate so the accuracy may be off in the dialogue, but....
After meeting up in the alley, Hyung takes him home and there is a forceful sex scene.
After that, Suyeong is in the bathroom and Hyung again asks Suyeong to accept his help, they exchange words and Hyung accuses Suyeong of selling his body. Suyeong punches him and Hyung hits him Back, significantly harder. Suyeong is knocked to the floor, in shock and Hyung grabs him by the hair...tries to hit him again and Suyeong wacks him with a shower head and gets away.
Shit was TENSE.

Ok someone give me spoilers like will she escape that shit hole and is there ML for her?

I almost forgot, the balding guy or the real owner of the company? Decided to pay her a visit with another gay guy he probs offered her something or even a higher position cause she was seen with a damn good ring, there was also a scene where she dropped something valuable and some guy saw it but she just turned back, anothER POSSIBLE MALE LEAD

Nvm here, starting from the net chapter we gon get next update https://newtoki63.com/webtoon/166296
Uhh...that scar,does anyone know, if it will heal or at least become less conspicuous
My sister recieved a scar like that too... 25 years later, her scar is still completely visible on her cheek. Ran's scar may dull or even completely fade away (because of manga logic) but realistically, a scar that goes untreated or is purposefully left to be visually present will not fade away naturally.