Firstly Vercike's POV is this one and I'm gonna put on my understanding hat, I see that he doesn't see Cain as a parent or anything more likely Ver sees him as what is taught to him by his father. In previous chapter and also stated here in this chapter that "mates or partners" get to name their vampire partner and since Cain named Ver that's why in the previous chapter Ver said that Cain or Ken is his "fated pair". He is heavily misguided child.
Secondly, We cannot blame or say that Cain did not respect Ver as individual contrary actually. In the eyes of a parent in this case Cain that seeing your kid growing and maturing there will be the time that they need to socialize and be with other people. This might be wrong but I think what Cain set up the meeting for Ver with another vampire isn't purely for Ver to mate with the other vampire more likely, I think, this is just a theory, but I think he was just setting up that meeting for Ver so that Ver will meet other vampires and socialize with his kind the marriage and the events after that are just a stretch. Cain isn't bad or disrespectful for that. Also, we gotta account that Cain isn't human nor Vampire, he's a powerful loving God who just thought he was doing what's best for Ver as he adopted him.
Thirdly, Ver's perspective is crucial since it will show here how he was manipulated by mankind that causes Cain's death.
And lastly, don't fight in the comments anymore Ver, Cain/Ken, and Agia/Agio are all important and crucial to have their perspective in the story since it give the reason why things ended up the way they are.