Roron created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Ahjussi is such a green flag so I'm expecting for Guwon to be one too. Please be one. Please don't be a red flag.

I fucking wanna strangle this Predator Guy. I hate him. Also Fucking idiot. Believing the motherfucker who he just met recently over the guy who saved his life from hell. Ugh! Well Shirayuki is super in love with him so he would save him but, I hope this is eye opening to him that he can't just ditch someone who was there for him for the other and believe them.

Roron created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

When I read this I didn't felt anything at all and I don't feel the pity to any of the characters. Which is unusual since every Manhwa I've read there's a string in my heart they can tug on. I only know is hatred to all the characters.

But, Firstly the Bottom. I don't feel sorry for him or for what is happening to him in the current chapters. Him getting raped and chained and all. Disgusting, yes, and it shouldn't be happening but, He made his bed so he is super deserving to sleep on it. The moment he became the "savior" half-assing everything and continued "supporting" —is that even supporting

Roron created a topic of Blue Project

I don't have sympathy for characters who are selfish enough to hurt others when they first hand experience pain themselves and see no wrong to it. Even if they're given a backstory.

Yeah, war happens, sure, it's awful but here's a fact that's no different from what they do in those labs to their victims.

It's a cycle and I hope Psyka struck rock bottom for it. Idc make it painful that I'll be satisfied.

Kidnapping?! Child grooming into mad soldiers?! Hurting Civilian?! Immoral Experimentation?!

For what? Equality and Better treatment? For the evolution of a good race and no more discrimination?!

That's delusion and not reality.

I hope my baby Yiho is gonna be okay and Miho will be able to get out.

Also, Fuck Gyro, I hope he goes mad and so Psyka will see how awful everything has become to his "achievement".

Roron created a topic of Cash or Credit

These type of shitty tops gives the most satisfying pain arc. Hehehe. He gotta have that strike the heart treatment. Fall in love so much Della that you'll dig your own grave. Hehe

Shirayuki is like detective Dan from that one manga they're a killer. Difference is that Dan does it out of self justice and high morals. Shirayuki is selfishness and Desire but in a good way.

Oh My God is also a good manga that is kind of inline with this BL. The difference is The bottom knows what the Top is doing. Hehe. Highly recommended.

Anyways I like Shirayuki a lot. If my partner ain't like this, then I don't want him.

Roron created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Tbh. I don't know if I'm reaching but I SOLELY WANT things to get better and have a happy ending.

Ian is suffering too because of his dad. Don't ignore his suffering. Fucktard is miserable. NOT AN EXCUSE BTW!

Hope his dad's balls cut off.

Anyways. I'm not saying what Ian did was good or right RAPE IS RAPE NO MATTER THE FORM! but! I'm not gonna sit here and ignore the pain he went through too.

He is broken man, experimented on. Why is everyone when I'm reading comment pushing it under the rug, rape is horrible and so is being experimented on. and if someone says "get therapy" therapy isn't always gonna help especially of what he went through.

Not defending his actions or justifying it. His trauma of his pheromones killing other people!! HE KILLED PEOPLE WITH HIS PHEROMONES!! that's already trauma inducing enough reason to be horrible at being honest with his own emotions and the fact it was taught to him like a little puppet to manipulate other for him, to not rely to others and not to trust anybody and to not show emotions it's clear that's why he can't put label to his relationship.

This is honestly enough tho to unknowingly hurt another person he loves. Referring to Noah. Marking himself as a producer only.

Noah please hurt Ian enough so he'll cry, be so strong to put on end on this family genetic curse. If you have to fight, fight please. Don't let the saggy balled dad get to you.

Ian is one of the ML than I want a redemption. I surprisingly don't hate the Alpha this time. I want him to get better and be honest with his emotions. If that's the way of the story.

Anyways. I want him to be hurt tho. So much so that he'll cry. Alphas like these looks majestic when they cry for their omegas begging so much to be love.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.

WTF?! Ryohei hit a jackpot for having a cutey then fumbling him?!

Also Ya know what's gonna be funny and I kinda see this before. Ryohei is probably like "We're just fuck buddies" and like "Oh? But we're not really dating" and he'll proba cheat first.

I can see it clear as day.

I never support cheating. Also in this chapters Makoto never really cheated. Yuki is the pervert who touches Makoto. So, no. I don't call this cheating.

But if things goes the right way.

Some Comments are disgusting to me btw.

"I don't like cheating" but condones neglect and mental abuse to partners. Ew. Fix ur morality before calling out others.

Anyways. Hope Yuki does the right thing and actually love Makoto and not make him so weird fetish of like sex buddies.

Roron created a topic of Crimson Ocean

I'm so happy for the ending. It's so funny and cute. Whahahhaha.

Roron created a topic of Crimson Ocean

*sigh* Alien man you're color is red and black but you're personality and attitude is greener than a forest.

Damn, if I'm with Jake here, fuck off humans, I rather be with an alien gentleman who treats me right.

Roron like topic of The Pawn's Revenge


Roron created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

I just want them to be happy. Je Oh and Seong Rok Let them be somewhere peaceful and fall in love in peace. Let them kiss and have sex from morning until the next dawn. I don't want anymore pain for both of them.

Also WTF is wrong with Si Eon. Bitch ass think just cause he has money he'll get between JeOh and Seong Rok? They've been with each other through worst money ain't wrecking them.

Han Gyeol is so sexy for tearing that MF Si Eon off. Pop of Queen. Do more and squeeze his heart like a lemon that he'll be helpless to your feet begging you to love him. Heheheheheh.

Roron created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

SHE SAID SHE HAVEN'T HAD A LONG TIME BUT FUCKING BITCH IS ALIVE. I can't stand it. I'm not mad at HeaSoo, Why is he being punished for something that's not his fault. My heart is hurting too much for him.

Why do people think children are just someone you can throw out and hurt and let it because they'll grow out of it.

Why do they get to have a good life while the other suffers.

And the brother, I hate him too. Your mom is a bitch and I hope your redeeming quality is held your own mother accountable.

Ugh!!!!! I wanna fucken kill everything and everyone!!!

Why does Taekyung think he can be saving grace and not actually help him be better. Therapy is a thing (step bro mentioned this) but fucking hell.


Roron created a topic of SPY x FAMILY

Damian, my baby, I feel so bad. Ugh. This kind of setting I'm so familiar with. The neglect and the suffocating atmosphere. It's probably projecting but still. I see this and it kinda hurts.

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

AGIA if, I swear to Cain, that you're not lying and actually using Ken's love for you to hold the prophecy. I swear I will be so happy for Ken and for the whole story if Ken Leave your sorry ass. Religious trauma is hard to get out of and it's actually brainwashing but, I'm holding on to love conquers all.

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

As much as I love Agia, The trauma and brainwashing that is done to him isn't undone or his indoctrination isn't washed. I can't fully trust him with Ken. Vercike is better situation since he isn't bound by human shit. Also, Ken YES TELL HIM BOY! HE DON'T WANT THE NASTY!

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

Just a wishful thinking but, this is all a farce. I don't think Isabel and Daniel are dead since that don't make sense but if they're (hope not) I'm just happy they're free from this monstrous environment. Love really ended the moment Cain died and Agio went apeshit.

Anyways. A Lil thought, this witch Loraine, is fucking getting in my nerves. I hope she does a painful death and I am happy that Agia will super jealous of Di Vercike to the point he can't take it and just be open of his feelings.

Lastly, JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY!! GOSH!! Also, at this point I want a happy ending for Vercike too. He can be with Ian ya know, they're better together.

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

To those who doubted Cain, I told you so!! Ver's Perspective isn't right from the beginning towards Cain. Anyways... Agio is coming. I mean Agia.

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

Firstly Vercike's POV is this one and I'm gonna put on my understanding hat, I see that he doesn't see Cain as a parent or anything more likely Ver sees him as what is taught to him by his father. In previous chapter and also stated here in this chapter that "mates or partners" get to name their vampire partner and since Cain named Ver that's why in the previous chapter Ver said that Cain or Ken is his "fated pair". He is heavily misguided child.

Secondly, We cannot blame or say that Cain did not respect Ver as individual contrary actually. In the eyes of a parent in this case Cain that seeing your kid growing and maturing there will be the time that they need to socialize and be with other people. This might be wrong but I think what Cain set up the meeting for Ver with another vampire isn't purely for Ver to mate with the other vampire more likely, I think, this is just a theory, but I think he was just setting up that meeting for Ver so that Ver will meet other vampires and socialize with his kind the marriage and the events after that are just a stretch. Cain isn't bad or disrespectful for that. Also, we gotta account that Cain isn't human nor Vampire, he's a powerful loving God who just thought he was doing what's best for Ver as he adopted him.

Thirdly, Ver's perspective is crucial since it will show here how he was manipulated by mankind that causes Cain's death.

And lastly, don't fight in the comments anymore Ver, Cain/Ken, and Agia/Agio are all important and crucial to have their perspective in the story since it give the reason why things ended up the way they are.

Roron created a topic of Crush and Burn

They fit together. Okay so just, Ian for Vercike and Agia for Ken. That's it. Author please. Just do that.