There's just one thing that is off. If small master wasn't a pure blood he wouldn't have turn the hunter into a vampire, since the only ones that can do that are the pure ones, not the ones that were once human. I don't think small master is a pureblood, but something more powerful? He's not a hybrid too because his eyes are just the same as a normal vampire. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 we need answers
Awful wrap up lol They were making this complicated and dragging this on. Going on and on about all the things they did and now it's just that group pushed the blame on gaeul. Also, the girl was manipulating gaeul and was crazy lol They literally hired her as a fake gf and friend and why would she then act like she was betrayed. Gaeul actually started to like her and he would have stayed in contact probably after this whole charade ended. Gaeul seemed like a manipualtive asshole at the beginning, but his feelings were normal neither did he actually hate his brother. Even haneul seems normal now as he seemed like a psycho in the beginning. I was expecting much more intrigue, this seems like a rather simple ending, that could have been done in the first 20 chapters. This had so much potential, but the author really screwed up big time and it also feels like the relationships between all the characters are unfinished