momoxhien >_0 did ( All 1 )

listen to a song on repeat

momoxhien >_0's experience ( All 0 )

momoxhien >_0's answer ( All 3 )

about question
Leave him. Block him. Never talk with him again; that is not normal at all. I have a lot of guy friends, and some guys I have had a thing with and they had never said that. Again, it is NOT normal for a guy to ask for your nudes—that’s just plain disrespectful. There are so much more guys out there, never engage yourself with boys like that.   reply
18 hours
I want a yandere gf. Like I don’t wanttohavea yandere bf, but gf? Doesnt sound bad hueheuehueheue   reply
30 11,2024

momoxhien >_0's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did hating someone

i hated on him but i found out he was hot and wasnt an actual catfisher

36 minutes
did getting piercings

got my ears pierced and im super happy!! but im still wondering if i should get my nose wings pierced

6 hours
want to do hating someone

I WISH I could hate people so they could stop hurting me but I just don't have it in me

10 hours