LoverOfYuri&YaoiInEqual's feed


It has a good art, they didnt have sex until the epilogue chapters (which is good) but i didnt enjoy it at all. It lacks something. I dont like dohyon doyonh dohyeon or whatever his name is spelled. Even yiyheon would have been a better match for eunho. Goodness. Like i usually like manhwas like this, highschool setting, not that much sex, development first but idk, maybe i just really dont like dohyon. Honestly i dont like how he treats eunho, i cant be the only oneā€¦ like what the other comment said, they have nooooo chemistry. I felt more flustered when yiyheon and eunho were together.

This is my honest opinion/review. If you have a different view then just go on with your day and dont attack me. This is a comment section for a reason <3