rplilies2011 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

the closet is made out of 1-ply toilet paper

rplilies2011 created a topic of Driver's High

yes leo was an annoying and inconsiderate boyfriend, but JJ borderline raped him in a garage. somehow yall have assessed these two situations and decided to start acting like leo is the spawn of satan. let’s put our thinking caps on now! for some reason a whole lot of yall have either gotten collective amnesia from the garage incident or are too yaoi brainrotted to realize that it was fucked up. also, did JJ ever sit leo down in a serious conversation to communicate why his behaviour upset him? i don’t think so. if leo had no idea that his behaviour was upsetting JJ then what do yall expect him to do. the way yall are whining like leo being immature and oblivious makes him lucifer’s hellspawn and JJ is a poor helpless victim is actually crazy. especially when JJ has been far from perfect himself.

rplilies2011 created a topic of Pheromone Fetish

can someone pls spoil why the ml only wants an omega partner??

rplilies2011 created a topic of Driver's High

i genuinely don’t understand why jj 1. broke up with leo and 2. is acting so bitter towards him… like everyone in the story is acting like leo deserved to get broken up with and that he was neglecting jj yadayada but i literally don’t see that??? to me it always seemed like leo was the one head over heels and jj not so much. unless the story is purposely not revealing something leo did, i don’t think he did anything to deserve the treatment he’s getting right now.

rplilies2011 followed a goer

Praise da Lee

01 09,2024
rplilies2011 created a topic of Pet

holy shit i just wanted to come on here because i’m watching the anime right now and it’s literally got me standing up and pacing around… tell me why the most recent chapters of the manga say that tsukasa CRUSHED and KILLED HAYASHI???????? AM I READING THAT RIGHT??? PLEASEE can someone explain what happened or tell me if hayashi has a chance of coming back i’m actually so devastated. like please just let him and satoru live a happy and peaceful life!!!!

rplilies2011 created a topic of Jinx
rplilies2011 created a topic of Waterside Night

hold up it’s been so long since i’ve kept up with this manhwadid euihyun have a miscarriage????? i’m so out of the loop

rplilies2011 created a topic of Dog and Bird

i’m ngl watching an uke who’s cool, capable, RICH, mature, not bratty and annoying, did i mention cool, is actually like a breath of fresh air. YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!

rplilies2011 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

tak has always been an asshole (we already know) but lowkey sanho’s behaviour in recent chapters is seriously starting to annoy mei actually really liked him in earlier chapters before the side story but i feel like right now the author is trying way too hard to make sanho overly dramatic and immature. like in literally every other panel sanho is screaming at the top of his lungs or throwing some kind of temper tantrum, and even tho i think tak is an asshole so i understand sometimes, this is becoming way too much even for me. in earlier chapters with the main couple i always got the impression that sanho was kinda wild and liked to have fun but he was also somewhat sensible and decently smart (at least not stupid and super oblivious to social cues). now i feel like the author writes him like a toddlerlike the rant he went on about being cute to tak’s GRANDMA????? like was that rlly necessary? i feel like him doing that kind of thing is almost comically unrealistic and earlier-chapter sanho would not have behaved like that. idk this is also upsetting for me cuz i was initially excited to read abt tak and sanho but i wasn’t expecting sanho to have such a dramatic + unrealistic personality shift and suddenly be super immature. someone please tell me they’ve noticed this too and i’m not just going crazy

nah i hate how condescending the seme is and how it’s almost like he doesn’t even see the uke as a human being. plus it feels like he doesn’t have any romantic interest in the uke and literally just sees him as a toy that he can control and play with, or a “dog” as he liked to call it.

okay guys i know this sounds really bad but lowkey i like the white haired guy a lotttt better than corolike to me it seems like he treats yurito with wayyy more respect and kindness than coro ever did, and it actually feels like he genuinely treasures him. meanwhile coro was always hella immature and lowkey always took yurito for granted. like he was always being mean or condescending towards yurito, or he’d blame him for smth that yurito had no control over. and no doubt when he escapes he’s probably gonna get mad at yurito again, even tho none of it is his fault. like cmon this guy literally SAVED UR LIFE yet you treat him with so much disrespect smh. i feel like even the kid takes after coro and looks down on yurito, but none of them realize just how much he’s gone thru and sacrificed for them.

rplilies2011 created a topic of Jinx

is somebody gonna match my freak

i really hate how in allll of these kinds of stories no matter how strong the omega is and how capable they are they’ll alwayssss end up conveniently falling into heat at the worst moments and becoming super weak and helpless so the trashy ML has to come save them. smh

rplilies2011 created a topic of Revenge Guide

seme is an asshole idc. lock him up

okay wait how come there’s literally never any mention of the second prince??? what happened to him??

Llewyn is such a sweetie i actually feel so bad for himesteban better be wallowing on his knees by the end i swear to god……