rplilies2011's feed

rplilies2011 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

tak has always been an asshole (we already know) but lowkey sanho’s behaviour in recent chapters is seriously starting to annoy mei actually really liked him in earlier chapters before the side story but i feel like right now the author is trying way too hard to make sanho overly dramatic and immature. like in literally every other panel sanho is screaming at the top of his lungs or throwing some kind of temper tantrum, and even tho i think tak is an asshole so i understand sometimes, this is becoming way too much even for me. in earlier chapters with the main couple i always got the impression that sanho was kinda wild and liked to have fun but he was also somewhat sensible and decently smart (at least not stupid and super oblivious to social cues). now i feel like the author writes him like a toddlerlike the rant he went on about being cute to tak’s GRANDMA????? like was that rlly necessary? i feel like him doing that kind of thing is almost comically unrealistic and earlier-chapter sanho would not have behaved like that. idk this is also upsetting for me cuz i was initially excited to read abt tak and sanho but i wasn’t expecting sanho to have such a dramatic + unrealistic personality shift and suddenly be super immature. someone please tell me they’ve noticed this too and i’m not just going crazy