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rplilies2011 created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

lordddd not the degenerates in these comments straight up justifying full blown rape (on several occasions) just because hyesung tried to move forward with his life. hyesung is a victim. point blank. it doesn’t matter if he “forgave him” or if he came to terms with it. he was a victim of rape and his rapist coerced him into staying, and then started playing the victim and acting pitiful when hyesung had an epiphany and wanted out. not to mention throughout this story hyesung has been consistently dehumanized and mistreated by literally everyone around him. every single person in hyesung’s life was only ever concerned with their OWN self-interests and never cared about how hyesung would feel. NEVER did dojin even once apologize for raping him or show even just a modicum of remorse. his mentality was always “wah wah the guy who i raped doesn’t want to stick around for the baby that was conceived against his will poor me wah wah” and everyone in the story (INCLUDING SOME OF YALL) would blame HYESUNG for “not reacting maturely” and for the instability in their relationship HE WAS RAPED???? not to mention dojin was sooooo determined to get hyesung to keep the baby but then he let his best friend verbally degrade hyesung all throughout his pregnancy and didn’t even bat an eye. same with when people were dogging hyesung on the internet during the CHEATING SCANDAL. rather than comforting hyesung or offering even a tiny bit of sympathy, his first and immediate reaction is to go “oh this is the perfect chance for me to get hyesung to admit that he likes me and that he’s jealous!” MF YOU TRAPPED HIM WITH NOTHING TO HIS NAME. IF YOU DECIDE YOU DONT WANT HIM NOW HES LEGIT GONNA BE LIVING IN THE STREETS. anyways it just really pisses me off how this author AND the rape justifier dojin dickriders of this world loooooove to paint hyesung as the villain and always act like he’s the one at fault when in reality he has been so cruelly wronged by almost everyone in the story. hopefully you lot don’t transfer your rape justifier stupidity into real life.