rplilies2011 created a topic of Jinx

is somebody gonna match my freak

i really hate how in allll of these kinds of stories no matter how strong the omega is and how capable they are they’ll alwayssss end up conveniently falling into heat at the worst moments and becoming super weak and helpless so the trashy ML has to come save them. smh

rplilies2011 created a topic of Revenge Guide

seme is an asshole idc. lock him up

okay wait how come there’s literally never any mention of the second prince??? what happened to him??

Llewyn is such a sweetie i actually feel so bad for himesteban better be wallowing on his knees by the end i swear to god……

rplilies2011 created a topic of Jinx

bye potato stands on businesshe’s got the will of a rock

rplilies2011 created a topic of Unfinished Business

guys before you start rooting for hyun and thinking he’s a good person don’t forget he stood by and BLUSHED when jichan was getting brutally raped right in front of him. AND THEN LATER he had the audacity to verbally degrade jichan when he literally saw with his own eyes the horrible things that jichan had to endure. this guy literally sucks idk why any of you guys are rooting for him. like it’s so obvious that the only reason why he’s treating jichan with a tiny bit of kindness right now is because he’s sexually attracted to him, not because he’s a good person and wants the best for jichan.

okay why the fuck is muhyeok making it seem like naui was in the wrong. hes acting like he didn’t literally pressure him into sex at the start, and now naui’s supposed to be the one to apologize and feel guilty????? muhyeok was soooo persistent at the start and naui literally suffered so much because of him (lost weight, sleep deprived) and now all of a sudden muhyeok wants to be all petty and decide he doesn’t want naui anymore. like he literally KNOWS that naui has barely any relationship experience but now he’s getting mad that naui got mixed signals and thinks that they’re just fuck buddies. MF YOUUUU ARE THE ONE TO BLAME FOR THAT

rplilies2011 followed a goer

Been a while since i was very actively reading on this site. My tolerance has become crystal clear. i hate with a passion dubious consent, non consent and most definitely rape. If an Uke says no, then stop or i stop reading. I was sad for a few days because i had to stop reading Pian Pian once it became obvious that the sex scene after the tooth extraction was going to be a monsterous one. Suha was f*ckin terrified and there was no prep. Seriously, punishing the bottom for wanting to have sex and unashamedly enjoying it!!

How does a mangaka go from writing a top as kind and considerate into a psychopathic monster half way into the manhwa? There are caveats to all the above, like i hate being manipulated by the author (which is the case with Pian Pian) so keep an arsehole an arsehole. I'm not averse to explanations for his arseholery and in depth exploration of characters' actions but if there are no consequences then the writing should reflect that the reader shouldn't expect comforting resolutions.

Anyway with all the genocide happening to Gaza thanks to Israel and aided by US and UK etc, I'm grateful when I get to find and read my preferred type of manga and manhwa to get my mind off how Israel's been hiding how they are worse than nazis. Yes i'm a bit high strung on this topic, i make no apologies cos arseholes outchea talkin bout how they love rape, so they can choke on my landscape if any of them come across my profile and don't like it.

Here's the fun bit: i have a filthy mind so please indulge me but only if you're grown grown.

12 04,2024
rplilies2011 created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

lordddd not the degenerates in these comments straight up justifying full blown rape (on several occasions) just because hyesung tried to move forward with his life. hyesung is a victim. point blank. it doesn’t matter if he “forgave him” or if he came to terms with it. he was a victim of rape and his rapist coerced him into staying, and then started playing the victim and acting pitiful when hyesung had an epiphany and wanted out. not to mention throughout this story hyesung has been consistently dehumanized and mistreated by literally everyone around him. every single person in hyesung’s life was only ever concerned with their OWN self-interests and never cared about how hyesung would feel. NEVER did dojin even once apologize for raping him or show even just a modicum of remorse. his mentality was always “wah wah the guy who i raped doesn’t want to stick around for the baby that was conceived against his will poor me wah wah” and everyone in the story (INCLUDING SOME OF YALL) would blame HYESUNG for “not reacting maturely” and for the instability in their relationship HE WAS RAPED???? not to mention dojin was sooooo determined to get hyesung to keep the baby but then he let his best friend verbally degrade hyesung all throughout his pregnancy and didn’t even bat an eye. same with when people were dogging hyesung on the internet during the CHEATING SCANDAL. rather than comforting hyesung or offering even a tiny bit of sympathy, his first and immediate reaction is to go “oh this is the perfect chance for me to get hyesung to admit that he likes me and that he’s jealous!” MF YOU TRAPPED HIM WITH NOTHING TO HIS NAME. IF YOU DECIDE YOU DONT WANT HIM NOW HES LEGIT GONNA BE LIVING IN THE STREETS. anyways it just really pisses me off how this author AND the rape justifier dojin dickriders of this world loooooove to paint hyesung as the villain and always act like he’s the one at fault when in reality he has been so cruelly wronged by almost everyone in the story. hopefully you lot don’t transfer your rape justifier stupidity into real life.

rplilies2011 created a topic of Waterside Night

why do i feel like the author is tryna twinkify euihyun idk

i just realized that in chap 57 nakwon was like, “i could say ‘i love you’ to him twenty times” and so he ends up saying i love you…….. exactly twenty timesthese guys have actually taken over my life

rplilies2011 created a topic of Unfinished Business

why is it always the same old same old “ml has sad backstory so therefore it justifies him abusing and torturing the mc”. like i can guarantee you it’s probably gonna just end up being some sort of misunderstanding and the mc just couldn’t find him in time or something. why does the ml never take out his anger on the people who ACTUALLY hurt him??? and now we’re supposed to feel bad for him oookaayyy

rplilies2011 created a topic of Waterside Night

okay lowkey taeju chewed….. like he really ate that pathetic loser up and put him in his place

rplilies2011 created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

nah i’m not happy with how tak is being redeemed already. he still hasn’t atoned for being a selfish narcissistic rapey douchebag. he either needs to give an apology with tears or sanho needs to punch him in the face for the way that he behaved towards him.

rplilies2011 created a topic of Jinx

from what we know, dan’s grandma has been extremely loving and caring all throughout dan’s life. so how is it that dan fell sooo madly in love with JK even though he treats him like shit??? wouldn’t it make more sense that because dan’s grandma is so compassionate, dan would have higher standards for other people and wouldn’t fall to his knees just because someone does a slightly kind gesture for him??? like honestly it doesn’t make sense to me that dan is so insecure and pitiful… like he was raised by a badass grandma who loved him very much and who always looked out for him. i feel like despite them being poor dan should at least have a little more self respect than this?????