rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 7:36 am

the closet is made out of 1-ply toilet paper

rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 6:50 am

yes leo was an annoying and inconsiderate boyfriend, but JJ borderline raped him in a garage. somehow yall have assessed these two situations and decided to start acting like leo is the spawn of satan. let’s put our thinking caps on now! for some reason a whole lot of yall have either gotten collective amnesia from the garage incident or are too yaoi brainrotted to realize that it was fucked up. also, did JJ ever sit leo down in a serious conversation to communicate why his behaviour upset him? i don’t think so. if leo had no idea that his behaviour was upsetting JJ then what do yall expect him to do. the way yall are whining like leo being immature and oblivious makes him lucifer’s hellspawn and JJ is a poor helpless victim is actually crazy. especially when JJ has been far from perfect himself.

    VGOT7 October 14, 2024 7:11 am


    fies October 14, 2024 7:16 am

    WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BARRR #stillteamleo

    Rose October 14, 2024 7:25 am
    WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BARRR #stillteamleo fies


    nana October 14, 2024 8:01 am

    leo DOES NOT listen to jj, did you not read the latest chapter when jj was talking about probably a very significant change they would have to adjust to and leo just dismissed it? imagine how many of that has happened in the span of their relationship? and no one is excusing jj of whatever happened in the garage, i fact everyone here has berated him for it

    locallesbiantook2L's October 14, 2024 8:09 am

    RIGHT JJ ISNT INNOCENT its like human beings we arent perfect

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 8:35 am

    Bro JJ is not supposed to be raising a son. He has supposedly a boyfriend. And suppose JJ wanted Leo to sit and talk but Leo dismisses him. Does he need to drag him like a 10 year old to sit down and talk?

    And yes JJ raped him, out of anger and revenge for Leo having sex whenever and wherever he wants. But look at Leo - he didn't think of it that way because he sees it as something they have been doing before - doing what Leo wanted even if JJ didn't want to.

    JJ did what he could and put effort in the relationship and stood up for himself when he was being taken for granted. That's not being a victim, just doing what he can as he should.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 8:41 am
    leo DOES NOT listen to jj, did you not read the latest chapter when jj was talking about probably a very significant change they would have to adjust to and leo just dismissed it? imagine how many of that has h... nana

    reread my comment again. did JJ ever sit leo down in a serious conversation to communicate why his behaviour upset him. the answer is no. if his only form of communication is just offhanded comments then of course leo wouldn’t take it seriously. and yes, people absolutely have forgotten/excused the garage incident based on the fact everyone is portraying JJ like a poor innocent victim.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 8:44 am
    Bro JJ is not supposed to be raising a son. He has supposedly a boyfriend. And suppose JJ wanted Leo to sit and talk but Leo dismisses him. Does he need to drag him like a 10 year old to sit down and talk? And ... pennyinheaven

    your reply is immediately invalid for justifying rape. next!

    average reader October 14, 2024 8:50 am
    reread my comment again. did JJ ever sit leo down in a serious conversation to communicate why his behaviour upset him. the answer is no. if his only form of communication is just offhanded comments then of cou... rplilies2011

    omg the previous comment “ and yes he raped leo….but look at leo” that should not even be part of the same lil paragraph that’s so wild fr omg idk why the leo haters don’t understand that we aren’t saying leo is the best guy every cause he’s flawed but when we say jj is flawed as well they wanna act like we crazy omg you don’t just get mad and rape someone no matter how much you put up with in a relationship

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 8:54 am
    your reply is immediately invalid for justifying rape. next! rplilies2011

    I was simply following you guys.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 8:57 am
    I was simply following you guys. pennyinheaven

    are you slow??

    nana October 14, 2024 8:59 am
    reread my comment again. did JJ ever sit leo down in a serious conversation to communicate why his behaviour upset him. the answer is no. if his only form of communication is just offhanded comments then of cou... rplilies2011

    lmfao okay

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 9:00 am
    omg the previous comment “ and yes he raped leo….but look at leo” that should not even be part of the same lil paragraph that’s so wild fr omg idk why the leo haters don’t understand that we aren’t ... average reader

    Jeez just reply to me directly. I'm just recognizing what everyone is saying. I don't even mean to justify is because it is JJ's fault. But that was it. If the topic is whether JJ was right or wrong when he forced Leo - then yeah JJ was wrong. If the conversation is who is flawed in the relationship that led to a break up then it is on Leo. Relationship being within those 5 years before they broke up.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 9:00 am
    omg the previous comment “ and yes he raped leo….but look at leo” that should not even be part of the same lil paragraph that’s so wild fr omg idk why the leo haters don’t understand that we aren’t ... average reader

    EXACTLYY!!! bro and look at their reply to my comment, like??? what the fuck are u on about???

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 9:02 am
    Jeez just reply to me directly. I'm just recognizing what everyone is saying. I don't even mean to justify is because it is JJ's fault. But that was it. If the topic is whether JJ was right or wrong when he for... pennyinheaven

    fym “that was it”it’s literally rape????? gtfo

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 9:09 am
    EXACTLYY!!! bro and look at their reply to my comment, like??? what the fuck are u on about??? rplilies2011

    Bro I can literally read your reply lol. My bad that I am not clarifying that I am not justifying anything. But at the same time don't jump to conclusions. JJ recognized he was wrong and apologized for it - should he have done so immediately? Yes, he should have but he didn't not because he didn't want to but he was preventing Leo to have an easy pass and write off everything since JJ apologized.

    JJ being flawed in the relationship when during those 5 years he did what he could and even when he fucked up outside their relationship, Leo just writes it off as debt when he asks for outdoor sex next time. So IDK what is sick anymore.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 9:15 am
    Bro I can literally read your reply lol. My bad that I am not clarifying that I am not justifying anything. But at the same time don't jump to conclusions. JJ recognized he was wrong and apologized for it - sho... pennyinheaven

    idk how deluded you have to be to think that just because a victim of rape “forgives them” that makes it okay. also in the leo’s thought bubble he literally states that he was downplaying his feelings because he doesn’t want it to affect JJ. the whole “who messed up the relationship” is a whole different conversation but ur whole attitude with the garage incident is the most concerning. maybe check to see if your moral compass has been swayed by yaoi brainrot.

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 9:19 am
    fym “that was it”it’s literally rape????? gtfo rplilies2011

    Misinterpreting again. It's like its my fault that Leo can't hate nor put JJ to jail ffs. It's not my perspective. It's LEO's. He doesn't even care because he thinks he sort of does that already.
    "That was it" was never to minimize the act but I am just pointing out what JJ did wrong vs what Leo has been doing wrong.

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 9:23 am
    idk how deluded you have to be to think that just because a victim of rape “forgives them” that makes it okay. also in the leo’s thought bubble he literally states that he was downplaying his feelings bec... rplilies2011

    the whole “who messed up the relationship” is a whole different conversation - but it's literally combined in the OP. I am again following the OP. I honestly cannot word it enough to convince you that I am not condoning the act. In fact, I think it was poorly done on the author's part. It should have just been a blow job to tease/irk Leo more.

    The OP was literally combining the two when it should have been separate.

    rplilies2011 October 14, 2024 3:17 pm
    Misinterpreting again. It's like its my fault that Leo can't hate nor put JJ to jail ffs. It's not my perspective. It's LEO's. He doesn't even care because he thinks he sort of does that already. "That was it" ... pennyinheaven

    saying “that was it” to describe RAPE (which i hope we can agree is worse than being inconsiderate/a bad boyfriend) IS very much minimizing the act. do you even hear yourself? u keep complaining that i’m bringing up these two situations together, but when the entire comment section is babying JJ and acting like he is the most pure innocent angel in the world it is absolutely relevant to point out that he is NOT and that he is equally if not more flawed than leo. and like that other person said, you saying “yes JJ raped leo… but look at leo” is so gross. you’re the one who’s trying to make it seem like the rape incident is some completely irrelevant thing that we should all get collective amnesia for.

    pennyinheaven October 14, 2024 4:37 pm
    saying “that was it” to describe RAPE (which i hope we can agree is worse than being inconsiderate/a bad boyfriend) IS very much minimizing the act. do you even hear yourself? u keep complaining that i’m ... rplilies2011

    Their relationship is about accountability. This all started because Leo does not think he is responsible for the break up, claims he doesn't know anything and has done nothing wrong. It was claimed that in the 5 year relationship, JJ did not make any effort and did not communicate. Purposely hurt innocent Leo for petty reasons.

    But as flashbacks are uncovered, JJ did make efforts and Leo on multiple accounts dismissed JJ. If we tally them up during the relationship, JJ was indeed innocent. That was the whole point in the comment wars, was Leo really broken off without faults?

    When the garage scene happened, anyone who said JJ did the right thing was wrong. It was never right. And JJ recognized it. He apologized because he acknowledged it without second guessing. The ONE grand time he fucked up, he owned up to it as soon as Leo was willing to listen. And if you think it's gross then fine, but Leo who could've taken that more seriously because not only was it wrong but it was all of JJ's frustration never recognized was somewhat chucked down the drain. Like it was all for nothing. Idk if I relayed it well but essentially Leo is dismissing it, the problem is with Leo. So no, my intention was not to minimize even if you insist that I am. I am making tallies and even what JJ did was more grave than Leo's multiple fuck ups, JJ owned up to it in the same level of what he did, Leo albeit already apologized still taking things lightly.

rplilies2011 September 12, 2024 3:14 am

can someone pls spoil why the ml only wants an omega partner??

    Elio September 15, 2024 6:20 pm

    Because he is old fashioned. In home it's taught Alphas should be with Omega . That's why . He just follows norms

rplilies2011 September 9, 2024 4:34 am

i genuinely don’t understand why jj 1. broke up with leo and 2. is acting so bitter towards him… like everyone in the story is acting like leo deserved to get broken up with and that he was neglecting jj yadayada but i literally don’t see that??? to me it always seemed like leo was the one head over heels and jj not so much. unless the story is purposely not revealing something leo did, i don’t think he did anything to deserve the treatment he’s getting right now.

    Beepboop September 9, 2024 4:41 am

    righttt like i theorize that when the author shows us the backstory of their relationship and what caused them to breakup it’s probably partially due to the fact that jj made their relationship too work oriented and didn’t properly communicate the extent of his feelings to leo, causing leo to get used to a certain dynamic and then their relationship having certain roles (this is a complete theory tho)

    gasha26 September 9, 2024 5:01 am

    this exactly.

    taegilixl September 9, 2024 6:01 am

    Idk why y’all ain’t seeing it I saw it in the beginning leo has just been using
    Jj as a dildo for years even Leo is using jj for luck guess it doesn’t ring the bell in y’all’s heads cause y’all never saw a bottom this way it’s pretty obvious on how Leo treats him

    rplilies2011 September 9, 2024 11:52 am
    Idk why y’all ain’t seeing it I saw it in the beginning leo has just been usingJj as a dildo for years even Leo is using jj for luck guess it doesn’t ring the bell in y’all’s heads cause y’all never... taegilixl

    nah bro you’re just not employing critical thinking. jj himself is not magically making leo lucky. the reason why leo does so well with jj/performs poorly without him is because he’s emotionally dependent on him. it’s obvious with the way they set it up that the reason why leo started doing so well after he met jj is because jj renewed his passion for the sport. he literally joined a low-level league just to be with jj, and this was before he started performing well. i think you’re assuming this manhwa is similar to other yaois with shallower concepts where one party magically gets lucky after having sex with the other (like Jinx for example). it’s not. and with the way that JJ is being portrayed right now as being super mature and smart, people are confused as to why he either 1. doesn’t realize that leo’s an idiot who is emotionally dependent on him or 2. he DOES realize and is being an asshole either way. i’m pretty sure it’s the second option which is why i wrote my comment, but other people in the comments have expressed similar things. if u really thought this manhwa was like Jinx i highly suggest u read it again carefully.

    taegilixl September 9, 2024 4:35 pm
    nah bro you’re just not employing critical thinking. jj himself is not magically making leo lucky. the reason why leo does so well with jj/performs poorly without him is because he’s emotionally dependent o... rplilies2011

    I did read it again carefully but I’m still sticking to what I said so you can baby leo as a victim then go ahead an also when did I saw this was like jinx cause honey i didn’t say it was like jinx maybe read my comment carefully idk what you see I guess y’all just never see a bottom as bad an not just used to it but whatever makes you sleep

    rplilies2011 September 9, 2024 8:04 pm
    I did read it again carefully but I’m still sticking to what I said so you can baby leo as a victim then go ahead an also when did I saw this was like jinx cause honey i didn’t say it was like jinx maybe re... taegilixl

    me making the observation that leo has objectively not done anything bad enough to warrant the treatment he’s getting right now is not “babying” him. idk why ur so hell bent on trying to be different and whining about bottom this bottom that when it’s literally irrelevant. am i not allowed to think that a character is being treated poorly bc they happen to be the bottom? also i used jinx as an example to reflect ur claim that leo is “using” jj for luck, which once again reflects a lack of critical thinking.

    gasha26 September 10, 2024 12:49 am
    me making the observation that leo has objectively not done anything bad enough to warrant the treatment he’s getting right now is not “babying” him. idk why ur so hell bent on trying to be different and ... rplilies2011

    ur eating them up

    rplilies2011 September 10, 2024 1:20 am
    ur eating them up gasha26

    loool thank u king

rplilies2011 August 31, 2024 6:47 am

holy shit i just wanted to come on here because i’m watching the anime right now and it’s literally got me standing up and pacing around… tell me why the most recent chapters of the manga say that tsukasa CRUSHED and KILLED HAYASHI???????? AM I READING THAT RIGHT??? PLEASEE can someone explain what happened or tell me if hayashi has a chance of coming back i’m actually so devastated. like please just let him and satoru live a happy and peaceful life!!!!

rplilies2011 August 31, 2024 6:28 am

omfg dan STAND UP!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!

rplilies2011 August 25, 2024 11:19 pm

hold up it’s been so long since i’ve kept up with this manhwadid euihyun have a miscarriage????? i’m so out of the loop

    Moody Jazz August 25, 2024 11:19 pm

    Yes unfortunately :(( pls stick around!!!

    rplilies2011 August 25, 2024 11:23 pm
    Yes unfortunately :(( pls stick around!!! Moody Jazz

    ohhh nooo :(( may i ask how?? ty for responding btw :,)

    Moody Jazz August 25, 2024 11:57 pm
    ohhh nooo :(( may i ask how?? ty for responding btw :,) rplilies2011

    Lots of stress, anxiety and he needed his alpha's pheromones....it was a tough time for him(bro got kidnapped but all ended well in the end) plus other factors probably

    rplilies2011 August 25, 2024 11:59 pm
    SPOILER.........Lots of stress, anxiety and he needed his alpha's pheromones....it was a tough time for him(bro got kidnapped but all ended well in the end) plus other factors probably Moody Jazz

    ohh okay i see :(((

rplilies2011 August 25, 2024 7:06 am

i’m ngl watching an uke who’s cool, capable, RICH, mature, not bratty and annoying, did i mention cool, is actually like a breath of fresh air. YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!

    Sazz August 25, 2024 8:36 am

    Ikr? I love him! And i love how calmly he talks back ml without getting flustered or angry. He's very logical.

    rplilies2011 August 25, 2024 8:43 am
    Ikr? I love him! And i love how calmly he talks back ml without getting flustered or angry. He's very logical. Sazz

    exactlyyyy!!!! like he actually acts like a mature adult, which for some reason i feel like is super rare in a lot of yaois unfortunately. but yippee!!

    Watermelon_JellyBean August 25, 2024 12:25 pm

    So trueeee. An uke like him is new to me since he's just so chill about things.

rplilies2011 August 20, 2024 9:24 am

tak has always been an asshole (we already know) but lowkey sanho’s behaviour in recent chapters is seriously starting to annoy mei actually really liked him in earlier chapters before the side story but i feel like right now the author is trying way too hard to make sanho overly dramatic and immature. like in literally every other panel sanho is screaming at the top of his lungs or throwing some kind of temper tantrum, and even tho i think tak is an asshole so i understand sometimes, this is becoming way too much even for me. in earlier chapters with the main couple i always got the impression that sanho was kinda wild and liked to have fun but he was also somewhat sensible and decently smart (at least not stupid and super oblivious to social cues). now i feel like the author writes him like a toddlerlike the rant he went on about being cute to tak’s GRANDMA????? like was that rlly necessary? i feel like him doing that kind of thing is almost comically unrealistic and earlier-chapter sanho would not have behaved like that. idk this is also upsetting for me cuz i was initially excited to read abt tak and sanho but i wasn’t expecting sanho to have such a dramatic + unrealistic personality shift and suddenly be super immature. someone please tell me they’ve noticed this too and i’m not just going crazy

    mangoloco August 22, 2024 5:46 pm

    i was about to comment this too, like tak you're better than me, my head wouldve exploded by now

rplilies2011 August 5, 2024 3:48 pm

nah i hate how condescending the seme is and how it’s almost like he doesn’t even see the uke as a human being. plus it feels like he doesn’t have any romantic interest in the uke and literally just sees him as a toy that he can control and play with, or a “dog” as he liked to call it.

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