Ik it's fiction but irl would you want the father to be a prosecutor with financial stability or a drug dealing convict lmao
(no spoilers please)

Thatβs a good point. I hate the dude but youβre right. And he clearly cares to some degree. Mr fox asked for grapes because heβs craving it and bam he buys him grapes every time he goes to see him, even gets different varieties. And he stays in the hospital with him for hours, if not the whole day. He does care a bit about this little family. If itβs really his baby Mr fox is set for life and can open his bakery, two even. If I were him Iβd pray the baby comes out ginger so itβs unclear who the father is

THAT'S your basis? Likeβ Drug dealing is bad and all but so is rape, and it's even worse. The prosecutor is a rapist, also if he's fine with helping deal the drugs in that prison he must be also involved in some shady shit. Additionally, he treats his partners better, he actually does after care and he's consensual. And it's not like he's broke either, drugs are not good but it's a profitable business.

Meanwhile the only reason MC slept with white hair is because of his financial situation, and white hair took advantage of that to have sex with with him lol. A good man would do that?
Also the prosecutor is helping deal the drugs as means of tracing the upperman in the whole drug dealing business. have we been reading the same story?

Wait in the first place, wasnt white hair tryna scare him away from doing the drug job by making it a condition to "train" stretching his asshole to smuggle drugs cuz he really thought ginger would back down if he made it his condition? And when he took his virginity, white hair was always checking up on him and making him feel good. I mean... did he take advantage of his desperation? Yes, But it was definitely way more consensual than whatever shit the prosecutor pulled in his car. Also the sleeping with someone for money part is still way better than getting blackmailed and raped. Also weren't they "training" for like a week? White haired guy made it a point to prep him and stretch him out and prosecutor rapist comes out and just rams it in violently. The restraint of white hair guy during that whole time they were "training" speaks volumes about how he really feels about him. I mean yeah he ain't an angel but to villainize him like over that rapist prosecutor just cuz he seems less financially stable is just not it.... and arent drug lords kinda rich tho?

I dunno, but the prosecutor totally did use him didn't he? He did say that he want to catch the white hair guy and so basically the prosecutor being kind to him because he wanted use him. If it's based on money yes the prosecutor are the right decision but don't you see how uncomfortable he is with the prosecutor and how comfortable he is with the white hair dude. And about the grape stuff, the white hair guy could also buy it if he's not in prison waiting for him to get back. Don't you see white hair guy run to the him right after he get back from the hospital?? The white hair guy cares about him and the prosecutor basically there because he thought the baby is his(or not). I don't really think he will be there if the baby aren't his. He literally wouldn't care less.

With this reasoning they're both rapists. If you have to coerce someone to sleep with you like white hair did, then there's nothing consensual about it. Also yes he'd be rich with drug dealing, but how can red hair and the baby's safety be guaranteed in that type of environment? (Just a rhetorical question, no need to answer lol)

Both rapists? Nah I see only one. I pulled this off of google but essentially "sexual coercion refers to penetrative sexual contacts through verbal pressure, whereas rape involves sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration through Physical Force or the exploitation of the victim's Incapacitated state, for instance, through alcohol or drugs".
And in chapter 4 it was ginger who was making demands for his first time. "You can sleep with me only IF u give me the drugs now". And white haired bro respected those conditions! That's like... sex work. Yes, I could argue that he only said that cuz he was manipulated into believing something false (which is sexual coercion and still a crime but was it really a lie though when white haired guy ACTUALLY gave him the drugs?) But the way i see it? The sex they had? That wasn't rape. The prosecutor on the other hand tho.... now THAT. He even stole the damn drugs to blackmail him later.
Also hypothetically, regarding safety, would ginger and his child's safety even be guaranteed in an environment where a prosecutor, with so much law power and money, rape him every chance he went into heat?
I'm sorry but I burst out laughing, why'd the eyes have to be drawn like that