How long until they finally released the rest? Like this author has completed multiple stories in between the time this manga has been out, yet it's taking SO long for updates and when u think we're finally getting one is actually ANOTHER extra.
I know I should be grateful I even get to read this and stuff but I'm fed up and want to finish this manga already
Wait im confused, if the three of them were in high-school at the same time, how is it that Natsuo and Hiro are 23 but Hayashida is 28?? I mean it would make sense if there was a time skip between both stories but the author didn't mention anything so
I think is hilarious how Taeju saw Dowon confessed to him in from of his entire school, and he somehow still thought HE would be able to continue the bloodline lmao
the way I'd have commit murder, couldn't care if the key caps scene was funny but hell nah u wouldn't get away w destroying a CODING assignment in the middle of finals season
I think everyone who has had to do school assignments seriously would be offended by this chapter. Erasing days of work?? Straight to the pits of hell with you ( plus the attempted rape )
I mean I don't see siwoo as the type to get a haircut all of the sudden, also bc of his background story I don't think he would secretly be a nepo child or smth (Hope I'm wrong tho, a love triangle as a side story would be too much)
How long until they finally released the rest? Like this author has completed multiple stories in between the time this manga has been out, yet it's taking SO long for updates and when u think we're finally getting one is actually ANOTHER extra.
I know I should be grateful I even get to read this and stuff but I'm fed up and want to finish this manga already