did we switch mangas at ch4? Damn I thought I was never wrong but this rlly surprised me, since the way the relationship with his ex friend I got the vibes he was a bottom and Rio strike me as a top ever since the main story
Not complaining but honestly questioning myself for stereotyping them lol
Edit bc whaaat, I said that they switch mangas as a joke but why Ikeda rlly looks so different since they had sex? Like before he looked like a young kid that could totally be mistaken by a highschooler but now it looks like aged 5 years wth

Does Josh beat his ass at some point? Like I like Josh bc he has a spine but if this ends up being like Kiss me Liar w an asshole alpha who never technically gets his lesson I'll be disappointed

,the raws for the next chapter are out, so you'll see them fight soon.
Josh is and stays a strong omega, he is also the dominant one in their relationship later. They are kind of the opposite of Keith and Yeonwoo.

I actually mistook this for a different domsub where the sub also runs away from home bc the father was a dom who left the family for a sub and the mother hated subs. I was SO confused when she looked at the picture of the father and starting saying he was dead and shit
But daaaaamnn I didn't expect the author would go make the story so deep and serious
I like that even tho it's smut there is not any appeal to it, like it doesn't feel like those scene where they had sex at all, it's cold and harsh bc it's plain rape. I would've been annoyed if the artist choose to make it looked romantic and shit