AYAYAYAYAYAYYAAAAAA THEY WILL CREATE THE FIRST DOUBLE PREGNANCY! I love them SO much, very very VERY excited X3 as much as I adore volume one Seth, I absolutely adore this era! I also highly enjoy the translation of Seth, calling horus his "companion", it feels SO much more intimate between them! AND HORUSSSSS! My babies! Bless!!!
It’s been rocky since the moment Horus had been born, and he knew as much. His complications between his father and uncle, his mother doing the best she could with what little she was given from the both of them, and Horus being cursed at his young age by the person he fell in love with. Seeing him cry, expressing just how blissed out and happy he is to have his uncle is so moving 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 I am just so blessed and fortunate that I picked up Ennead when I did! I know a lot of readers have been on this since long before, and have been waiting for this very moment for such a long time, AND WE MADE IT!
I still have many concerns about Anubis, and though I am deathly worried for him and his safety, I can just sit back and enjoy this beautiful moment between these two. I cannot express how much joy I receive reading this, it’s my bread and butter! HoruSeth forever 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。