Sakura1875 created a topic of Wait! Wolf Manhwa

I’m sad to see no updates here for a long time, I still have hope one day someone translates this masterpiece.
Sidenote: for the people who don’t know how this manhwa ends, she ends up with the childhood friend that’s in the cover wearing the baseball cap.

Sakura1875 answered question about question
1. Buy a two story house 2. Pay for college 3. Use 1 thousand for personal use 4. Save the rest in saving and/or investments
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1. Buy a house for my immediate family 2. Invest 3. Put it into savings 4. Use the rest to fund my boy Xavier
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Regressor instructional manual like damn, his villainy is chef kiss! I can never have enough of him; he's my idol, my inspiration, and my guardian spirit!

Thank u unknown for updating one chapter for New Years.
Hopefully someone sees this manhua in the future and continue translating.
Until then, I’ll be waiting for the next chapter until who knows when.

For 2 chapters, I really liked it. I hope someone pick this one up, but till then I can only wait.

Sakura1875 created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger

He’s so delulu in his head that he thinks he will end up with her

Sakura1875 answered question about live in omegaverse universe
Yay I'm a beta. I won't have to suffer through the monthly heat, only my period. Now, I just need my popcorn and chips, to watch the show go down between alphas and omegas.