They flipped over a table and library? Hell yeah that was HAAAAWT ^^ But, omg guys, can you talk this situaction out? Pleaaase ^^ More shit is about to come so go solve other way than just agressive sex :)
What the fucking fricking fuck? Look at his gorgeous face beaten up to the... i don't even know what. Poor baby! How could his father beat him so much? And how coud Jeha look so calm? Mabe he thinks he deserves it? Since fucked up and let his lover be in a very dangerous situation?
Seeing Seunho treat Kyum (as he said omg it was so cute) with such kindness and love really is the best thing in my life right now... I wish there was another chpater next week XD
Sorry I accidentally downvoted ┗( T﹏T )┛