hunterx2 created a topic of Admiration and Longing

I didn't like Jaehyung. I wish Min had left him to cry on the side of the street.

Sometimes, I like to imagine the lifespan of the couple after the story ends. No way this couple lasts another year. They speed ran through development and Min still got hurt like, 5 separate times. Me personally, I would have left Jaehyung crying on the side of the road.

hunterx2 created a topic of Oh, Captain! My Captain!

The age gap was unnecessary to include in the story as it currently is. They didn't actually age the older character and no one even mentions it. Might as well have not included it in the story.

hunterx2 created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

It actually gets a little giggle out of me every time Keith has to remember a time he was trash and never even apologized for it. He's like "Dang, I know I was bad but this much? This often? I did some good things, right?"


Rich twink Alpha x Debt delinquent Alpha

I did not think we were going this route.

hunterx2 created a topic of Jinx

Ripping an IV ou5 not only hurts but is actually kind of dangerous! He's sick of that man.

hunterx2 created a topic of This Engagement Is A Scam

I was worried about the Prada the entire time...

I actually like where this is going. In most series, the thing that the character is hiding from their significant other is usually huge. And often times waiting for the bubble to burst even makes me anxious. Then when it's all laid out, it's just kind of unbelievable that they get over it as quickly as they do because it was such a big deal.

In this case, I can see where the drama and hurt could come from but it's not something you couldn't work through if you really cared. He didn't cheat on him, secretly drunk him, hold him captive. No, he just approached him because he seemed like he'd be a good character reference. Given the specific circumstances, it'll hurt a little when it comes out but it's not devastating.

When the character is a literal psychopath, they never "get better". There is no redemption arc. Just acceptance of one's fate. Peter will be in mental shackles for life. And if he ever breaks out of them, Wooyeon will put him in real ones.

hunterx2 created a topic of Alpha Trauma

I bet he still had his number saved and now he knows 100%

hunterx2 created a topic of Alpha Trauma

That padded coat scene was elite. THAT was the heart fluttering moment of the year.

I think it's so funny how truly upset he gets over not being able to make Inseob happy. When HE is the reason Inseob isn't happy. Like honey the call is coming from inside the house. And on the flip side, Inseob not knowing just how unsafe he is staying with this man is its own kind of hilarity. Because he was chilling in a book store and that man couldn't find him, Wooyeon considered breaking his legs! And we all know he would do it. Inseob, you're in danger girl.

Why is it taking so long for Inseob to explain the full story to Woohyeon? I mean, usually at this point in the story it would have happened already. But then I realized that it doesn't matter because Woohyeon literally would not care. He's not going to find out the full story and change. And he can't empathize with guilt. He'd probably only care to find out that Inseob has always liked him. So what would usually be a big reveal in a story will probably just be "...okay?" for Woohyeon.

I'd honestly be surprised if Woohyeon even really remembers highschool. He doesn't really have friends so he was probably just passing the time and going through the motions.

hunterx2 created a topic of Nerd Project

Andrew Young... I wasn't familiar with your game

hunterx2 created a topic of Nerd Project

The ending really caught me off guard. Like, Luke is charming but I never would have thought Andrew Young would be that captivated.

hunterx2 created a topic of Waterside Night

Protip, hostage situations are always life or death. And are always treated as such. One side will always lose, so make sure it isn't you.

Taejoo understood how serious situation it was. And they somehow managed to underestimate both Taejoo and Euihyun. Rookie mistake. Cost the boss his life.

I will never understand characters that can't(won't) adapt to the story. Whether it's the MC, the villainess, the herion, side character b. I understand trying to stick to the story initially but after one major plot change, maybe consider that you have bad information? After three, definitely understand that you have to create a different game plan.

Is there something in-between a tsundere and a yandere? Because that's what Wooyeon is. He's over here going crazy because his kidnapped man talked with a female coworker in public. Meanwhile, he won't even just say that he likes the guy. Crazy.

I would probably fall for too. "Let me show the date you've been dreaming of" is so heart fluttering.

hunterx2 created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner

They are all so mean to Hyesung. Like, he doesn't even bother anyone but they all take their anger out on him.

hunterx2 created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

He left him Mr potato!