Honestly when the glasses guy asked if she was in heat, It didn't feel like harassment at all. He was just making sure she wasn't really on her periodic heat so that everything will go smoothly because look at her after that. She went into heat and the alphas went wild. Also I feel like the alphas should be trained how to restrain themselves during a heat of an omega or their rut. Like isn't it common sense that if omegas are trying to suppress their heat the the alphas should also at least be trained? Kinda bs they wouldn't but ig most stories wouldn't progress much if there weren't situations like this

While I don't totally agree that it wasn't harassment, because it's not necessarily the words but the whole package, and I believe a part of him looks down on Omegas, like the whole program is a wast of time and resources.
I do agree more training is needed for the Alphas and just in general. Just another Law that was passed without properly thinking it through.

Ngl this manhua would've been good without the pointless romance or the women who constantly fall in love and get the mc in trouble . This is honestly what I don't like about Chinese manhuas, it caters too much to horny readers, the author needs to chill out. An action story should not become a stallion story.

I agree,there are a lot of sexualized characters (mostly female) and they make them weaker or just eye candy.When it comes to jobs they only get minor supporting roles or the MC interest partner.Even if a female character is way stronger than the MC they still end up being saved by them.It happens more often than you think they do in a lot of this manhuas than mangas.

Yeah, the think is I would like some romance in an action manga/manhua/manhwa but the way they introduce it like an harem with multiple very sexualized women that seem to have interest in the MC but then completely disappear or when they don’t make a good plot it’s just the girl falling in love with no story line whatsoever.

To all those Filipino who would think that Gege is pronounced as Gah-gah, it's not. It's Guh-Guh, not the badword gaga. This is just a ps for the people who would wrongly pronounce it as GaGa since the translator said GaGa.
It's Guh-Guh, not Gah-Gah.

First of all I am not filipino. Secondly, guh guh and gaga have same difference in pronounciation. I am giving those notes for people to understand more, I don't think people will understand if I start to explain Chinese tones for pronounciation, I am trying give the simplest. I'm sorry if I offended you somehow but can't ignore the fact that gaga and GeGe would sound same for no natives so I kindly request you to shut it. It demotivates me. :D

Excuse me? I'm just trying to point this out to Filipinos because of our accent. I don't know what you're thinking or what you're pointing out. I'm not saying you made a mistake or whatever you're thinking. Jesus, it's because you're not filipino that you don't understand. If you're having a hard day then take a rest, but just note that my comment was not to criticize or for you. I wanted for the filipinos who read this to understand how to pronounce it. I don't know where you're from but please understand that we don't have the same accent and pronunciation. If you're offended by this then that's on you, I can only say sorry. Good day.
I don't know but I don't like Heejung or whatever her name was. She gives me bad vibes, I hope mc doesnt end up with her. I'd rather he end up with Harin.