Cappu answered question about question
Cappu created a topic of Frey!

That last panel was a jumpscare wtf!!

Cappu created a topic of Concealing Sacred Simplicity

None of the characters are likeable tbh. Dropping this.

Cappu answered question about question
My first ever yaoi story. Life senjou no bokura. It was so beautiful and sad, I cried so much.
Cappu created a topic of Be Delicious!

The art is so familiar it’s driving me crazy! Where have I seen it?

Cappu created a topic of 19 Days

Lmao, I just noticed he just bought a really cheap pen instead

Cappu created a topic of 19 Days
Cappu created a topic of Honey Bear

Peanut I love you! I will die for you!

Cappu answered question about question
I love Plastique Tiara. She’s so pretty! And also Trixie and Katya are hilarious, love them.
Cappu answered question about question
The eye section doesn't have that many options
Cappu created a topic of The Stranger in the Mirror

Ok wtf is up with this author? I just saw people saying that one of the characters tied up his lover, put him in the car and then ran over him with a fucking war tank just to keep his head and make him an android. I tried reading Profundis and I got traumatised. I will not read this one either, or any of this author’s future works ever.

Cappu answered question about question
Castration for rapists! Castration for pedos! Women should all get an IUD (should be free) and stop having kids. Earth is dying. We don’t need humans overpopulating any more than this. The heat is killing me. Save the earth and save me too!
Cappu answered question about comic recommendations
I tend to avoid stories where the antagonist is better than the MC. If the story makes me root for the antagonist and I know the MC will win then there’s no point. It’s better if the evil person is the MC.
Cappu answered question about going to concerts
Haruka Tooki Ie. I cried for a week every time I remembered it. (I had to go back and find this photo. Now I have tears in my eyes)
Cappu answered question about thank yaoi for existing
I don’t know if it’s a guilty pleasure but I really like reading BL where the MC or ML has some kind of fetish. It’s very interesting.
Cappu did

333 people did   /   8 want to do

Is it normal to listen to a song for more than a month on repeat? Only one song at a time.

Cappu answered question about being a fucking edgelord
Takafumi Hishimoto. He reminds me of Nanami a little bit. He’s so fucking hot. Makes me feel things even though I’m ace lol
Cappu answered question about make a picrew
I feel like people here forgive murderers very easily. I know you said bad mentality but what if that person had pedophilic thoughts or he knew he could rape but didn’t do it. I don’t know honestly. I’d kill every pedophile on earth if I could.
Cappu asked question about question