I don't think is right to say that just cause she was a little girl she could do anything she wants and hurt people the way she did... What she did was so worng, she hurt him in ways that you can even imagine... he suffers so fucking much and until now he have scars of that day, so i don't think just a apologie will make everything disappear... He has to move on from the trauma yes he have to do that, but this girl can't show up and ask forgiveness or whatever and be like that... is like i said before, you can still forgive but you'll never forget this type of trauma... he have to learn with this fear and grow up somehow... sadly :(... Siwon baby i support , you deserve the world... S2
Ths manga is perfect omgggg!!!!!! I didn't read something so good in a time ahhhhhhh and his was amazinggg XD The only awful in this masterpiece at the is sooo short >.<