Do Jin gets kidnapped -> Finds out it's his best friend -> Flashbacks to the past and of how he and Soo Gyum became friends through a certain "misunderstanding" -> Because Do Jin is a working adult (somewhere), Soo Gyum has to cover up for his sudden leave -> Visits the sister under the impression of "Do Jin asked me to give you money" -> When he visited the house, he flashbacks to when he realized he was in love with Do Jin -> He drives back home after declining coffee -> "That reality... I hate the most today." The fact that everyone trusts Soo Gyum so much is because he is Do Jin's "best friend" or in a sense his "brother".

Man people are going to hate me for this but if you're not into it, don't haveta openly express your displeasure. especially with all the "he didn't give consent???" Yeah, like every other manga labelled "rape"...? hehexd no hate just mate wkwkwk

This manga isn't labeled "rape".....

S&M =/= rape
Yaoi =/= rape
If everyone should expect rape then it should be labelled rape.

Recollection of being drunk isn't the same as reaffirmation.
We're still uploading on bato.to... What a shame.