Wow, I wastedd my time.Was it good Ofc very great charahcther developments and etc but the ending was like it got me feeling…like what the hell was this now??? I mean they dont remember anything??? Why bro like then was al the 60 chapters for nothing FOR THE CHARACTHERS TO NOT REMEMBER what is this demon slayer reincarnated happy ending?? No way nuh uh I dont want this LIKE SO A METEORITE CAME EVERYONE DIED AND BUM THEIR ALIVE BUT DONT REMEMBER SHIT. THEN,THEN WHAT WAS OUR EMOTIONS???? LIKE I FUCKING CRIED FOR NOTHING. and also yes they rejected but what about the ones who accepted like?? Huhh are we sure this was just a meteorite Like??? There is a lot of theories LIKE what did the meteorite did for them to feel familiar with them but dont remember them??? It feels rushed bro cmoonn like the ending he gave him the joker and bum happy ending all was in vain ha ha ha so great.YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY o m g like yes I liked it but one side is like hating it If I had dropped this 2 chapters earlier I should’ve been more happier than right now like WHAATTTT BRO I JUST CANT TOSS IT NOW like I started bc my friends were watching the adaptation and I was gonna give them spoilers for fun but THIS AINT A FUNNY SPOILER bro Im just kms seriously just ughh Im sorry I usually dont write comments but this got me yk what I mean :/

Guys I read this a long time ago and you guys are latking about amnesia can somebody light me up on this bc Im planning to read extras and I STILL dont know remember why did they got married again bro like the last thing I remember is the chase arc bc of the hot omega firefighter with his cat(is there a story about them bc I wasnt able to find it) and THEY GOT FOUND OUT SEME CAME AND UKR FORGIVE HIM??? And happy ending was it??!?!?! Like wtf happened this story is making my mind erroribg

Okay guys whats he gonna barf? Blood demon? Octopus demon?? His mix marmalade bread that he ate in part 1? Orrrrr manipulation devil??? bro WHAT WILL BE USEFUL BRO ATE A WHOLE TREE GODDAMIN JUST HOW MUCH WILL YOU ATE HALLOWEENN HALLOWEN HALLOWEN HALLOWEN halloween halloween halowen hallowen hallowen hallowen brawrf hallowen(thats it Im eating roasted makima beef today bye)
Finally I can patlatmak bir 31 to this yk but still 13 days?…. Sigh guys Im horny already can somebody put me in a coma for 13 days pls