hihihi's experience ( All 0 )

hihihi's answer ( All 2 )

about question
I loove no home but I dont have the courage to go reread it I cried too much already   reply
28 04,2024
well I think rape is a form of violence so fantasizing over rape is the same as fantasizing over violence, so ofc I am going to find it strange. Just reading it ( in backstories for example ) and rlly enjoying rape scenes makes a difference for me.   reply
13 04,2024

hihihi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did sleep more

@murcielago stop being delusional, you're never beating me. only I reign supreme as I bask in the glory of the ultimate laziness.

5 hours
did sleep more

i sleep more than lazy potato does

6 hours
did tried to kill yourself

I've attempted many times in the past decade. Keeping my mind preoccupied allows me to just let it be.

13 hours