Everything was so nice, funny, but good in the beginning. IT feels like the story took a big turn when she misunderstood Junghoon. The purple haired girl did em dirty, it annoyed me anytime she came back. I don't care about her happiness, while I was sure Eunbyul would end up with Kang Bin, I just don't like how they made it happen with such a dumb mistake. Uuuugh it just makes me mad how good it was and how I can't live that turning point down. The Eunbyul and KAng Bin moments ARE cute tho, if a little unbelievable force fed at the end (I mean comeon, even the shoes??? AAAH ITS FATE I GET IT XD)

I don't mind the Lord being shown as a character we come to like, but I really want to see the MC go through the pain of having to trust him again, instead of having it glossed over. I want tears, to be shaken, to feel like a knife is twisting my chest! ;-; I can understand he did it for the good of the people, but betrayal is still betrayal. It's hard to let go!
Lol, they act like hugging is as tell-tale of liking someone as kissing XD
True, but it's just hugging isn't very normal in Japan. Not the same way it is for say Americans.
Ah, I see! Thank you for the input! ^^
I’d say it depends where you are. In the place I was being an exchange student, they were very open with physical affection but apparently in Tokyo (where the story is set) they are way more conservative, but still more open then the US