The whole plot felt like we were going in circles. Story could have ended after the first time skyler was mean to young duck. Hurt my soul seeing the kid keep running back to the jerk. But of course when we find out that the jerk is only a jerk because hes a sad boi (Cliche) they expect us to ship them? nope not I. Ended up reading 60 chapters about 2 people I did not like or care for. Also all non- main characters felt so shallow, there was not much development. The mother did receive the same story as the son (A jerk because shes sad) but honestly. They might as well have not been in the story at all.
I usually hate misunderstanding plots but this one did not get too out of hand 1010 would recommend to a friend .
sameeee. i was so frustrated becoz they keep on misunderstanding each other like COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY!!!