I think the stories were very standard, but cute too.
I really like how the idol guys blushed under his shades when the manager decided to stay.

It's dropped. Of course. This always happens...
I wanted to see them have sex! *cries* I wanted to see them take turns topping~

Oh boy, it's been a while since I read this manga and I honestly can't remember my source. I've tried finding it again, but...
http://www.yaoiotaku.com/k-no-kouzu-manga.html here it says it's ongoing (though last update was in 2011)
https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=40638 here it doesn't say
http://dpscanlations.deathsvertigo.com/k-no-kouzu/ this is the scanlation group that has been translating it, and they say it's still active but on hiatus.
I can't find a place saying it's been dropped, but it's been 5 years since last update so it is quite likely. Judging by the comment section others are saying it's dropped as well, maybe they know a source?
Of course we can hope that it hasn't been dropped afterall, but... I'm losing hope.

I didn't like the guys in this story. Let's take the first guy:
1. He can't confess his feelings in a normal way
2. He ignores the girls wishes multiple times
3. He "punishes" her by tying her to a TREE and fucking her in PUBLIC, which she DID NOT consent to. Know what that's called? Rape, it's called rape.
I also think the girls were too stupid. While you may not agree with this opinion of mine, I hope you'll respect it, since I respect yours (maybe you love it and wish you had a boyfriend like this).

Yup. I'm certainly not cool with characters just acting like that but I understand that it happens in real life and, most importantly, makes for a good plot point. BUT, I hate when there's no recourse for the bad actions; we didn't see a sorry, or get to see them work out their emotions in a healthy way.
We just watched him act bad and justify it with stupid reasons like "I just want to see you jealous" and "I'm so jealous I could die" and she just runs along with it as soon as he starts giving her the D. There was just a little too much manipulation and blind/willing victim for me to be okay with it. And the author made both male characters (or were they supposed to be the same guy considering they looked the exact same?) the same way.
Bottom line: There should be a difference between "smut" and PWP (porn without plot); dick-dizzy and asshole guys make for the latter. This is why I usually try to avoid most smut mangas...
Confident, demanding ukes?! I'll have some more of that, yes please!