lwk sad the girls r splitting from them, I rlly liked them and wanted all 4 of them to stay together as a cute wlw and mlm solidarity moment

It's cut out in the manhwa for some reason, this was an entire conversation in the novel... The girls invited boys to come to a safe building but Hohyun instead suggested they go for the exit since they ended up closer to the campus entrance/exit. They decided to split because of that.
The girls are heading to a building that is in the deepest part of the campus furthest away from the exit. And it's located in some sort of hill, so it would be difficult to climb while injured, not to mention it takes 15 minutes to go there normally, so it would take hours, while avoiding zombies, not to mention injury.
Hohyun instead wants to get out of the campus because the entrance is much closer than the building the girls are heading to and he hopes there will be help outside campus.
shoutout to nanachi + soo<3’s coparenting of the officials