queerhecate January 28, 2019 1:48 am

why do yall say it like standing up for himself is easy? the whole fucking class literally bullied him for something he can't control (his looks) so he obviously has some trauma left? are we really victim blaming the bullied person now? he had no one by his side at school, its obvious he'll act nervous and unsociable all the time. everyone has their own circumstances, just bcs he didn't fight back doesn't mean he deserved being bullied.

fuck yall really

queerhecate January 27, 2019 6:39 pm

itonaga is precious.

but idk abt that sanada bcs i fucking hate bullies and if this manga skirts past his history of bullying itonaga without so much an apology then mehhh this story ain't shit.

for every manga in which the love interest is/was a bully there must be a scene where he kneels and begs for forgiveness and compensates for the trauma. or else he can jump off a window and die for all i care.

let's see how this turns out. it just feels illogical to me that itonaga is willing to forget sanada's past and perceived him as a changed person. he's kinda naive and i hope that doesn't bite him in the ass. i'm deadass an adult and i'm still holding a grudge for a group of classmates who called me sissy and shit back in elementary lmao

queerhecate December 27, 2018 4:51 pm

cooking his way into seunghee's heart through his stomach. genius.

i'm smitten. my baby.

queerhecate December 16, 2018 1:37 pm

when i said seunghee will get character development in my previous comments, this is what i mean! it's gonna be slow, but the ending of this chapter is a good sign of seunghee opening up and warming to suhyeok! it'll be just a matter of time before our baby gets all blushy and fuzzy over his black haired beau (▰˘◡˘▰)

and kwon suhyeok goddammit you're so beautiful and you're doing things to my heart. i guess he's been hving feelings for seunghee for quite some time huh. i kept re-reading the raws because i can't get enough of him ngl

queerhecate December 13, 2018 11:20 pm

Getting this outta my chest. Can yall not antagonise Seunghee so much? Trying to tell him he's not considerate listening to the guy's pleas when he's just trying to get away from a sexual offender? Saying Seunghee should say thank you to Kyubin for helping him when in fact he was rooted to the spot in fear and was immediately pulled away by Suhyeok? He was confused and scared at the time and y'all have the audacity to still criticise him? Did ya selective memory conveniently forget that Kyubin owed an apology to Seunghee for bullying and blackmailing him but he never as much as say sorry? I like both boys but if you wanna call em on their bullshit think it with ya heads first. Be fair. Super fucking tired that yall keep bashing on Seunghee when he isn't as much as about to RUIN someone else's life, he just wants to be left alone. If it's not for the BL manhwa and KyuTaek seeing him crossdressing he wouldn't even be dragged into KyuTaek's drama in the first place. He just wants to decide who he wants to befriend with and crossdress peacefully. I can't believe some of yall think Seunghee thinks he's above anyone else all throughout this story? no??? That's not why he's so bitchy???? He's fucking scared of his own dad to the point he doesn't want to even be in the same room as him. He looks scared to death when blondie said he'll shout that he loves him in front of the whole school. What makes you think others will be so kind and understanding of his predicament and sexuality? He doesn't deserve any of this he deserves happiness and acceptance and ppl who love him for who he is. He deserves character development like the rest of the boys and THAT IS WHAT HE'LL GET. LEAVE SEUNGHEE ALONE.

    queerhecate December 13, 2018 11:25 pm

    in short I am thankful to kyubin and suhyeok helping him and seunghee should be too but YALL LITERALLY nitpick everything he does even when the situation didn't permit him.... ugh seriously

    yaois December 14, 2018 12:51 am

    this is my favorite fucking comment. holy shit. i’ve been waiting for this!

    yaois December 14, 2018 12:51 am
    in short I am thankful to kyubin and suhyeok helping him and seunghee should be too but YALL LITERALLY nitpick everything he does even when the situation didn't permit him.... ugh seriously queerhecate


    Nan December 14, 2018 2:33 am

    Love your comment.
    It's a relief to read this kind of thoughts! I'm starting to worry too much about some people's reaction to these situations.
    Thanks for existing and expressing!

    froggie December 14, 2018 3:05 am


    nezu December 14, 2018 4:32 am


    yanayo December 14, 2018 7:02 am

    U right.

    One thing I really like about this manhwa is how the characters feel relatable and real in a way. Seunghee in particular. He's been frustrating, yeah, but I can always see why he would act in certain ways or do certain things. I just want him to be happy, so I'm glad he's moving past blond guy and hope he gets the closeness and understanding he wants from better sources now.

    Daisukisports December 14, 2018 2:47 pm

    Yaaaaaas! Somebody beat me to typing preach first.


queerhecate December 13, 2018 7:47 am

glad suhyeok got him out of there, the moment seunghee went with him is the moment everything will change for the better, for both of them.

my babies (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

queerhecate December 13, 2018 7:44 am

the way he said he'll shout in the public that he loves seunghee really makes my blood boil. threatening to out a closeted gay teenager? in front of all his schoolmates? dude's abt to destroy seunghee's entire teenage life after he stayed so withdrawn and lowkey out of fear for rejection. he might be sincere (though i see him as manipulative, and crazy) & yall might be pissy at seunghee but if the blonde really tried anything crazy like that i'll be out for blood.

don't even think abt outing someone without their consent, directly or indirectly.

    queerhecate December 13, 2018 7:50 am

    yall can see the look on seunghee's face. he kept glancing at the ppl around when they were talking. that was unadulterated fear.

    Ι_read_everything!damn-it! December 13, 2018 11:10 am

    I agree. Many people trust him and feel bad about him but i think that in a weeks time he would be up and ready to go to his next victim. Lay around a nice trap to a lonely introverted kid that needs to confide somewhere by being there for him and play his game...

queerhecate December 10, 2018 1:00 am


queerhecate December 4, 2018 7:26 pm

He sent a dick pic to a middle schooler. No more discourses now folks it's clear as day he's dangerous and should stay the fuck away from Seunghee, no matter how understanding or relatable he is.

queerhecate December 1, 2018 2:08 pm

to yall hating on seunghee and doesn't want to read his story anymore, bad news: at this point of story its gonna be all abt him, kyutaek's only gonna appear once in a while for some fluffy and sad moments. this is a psa.

now this is where it gets long. you guys are free to dislike seunghee. so far he hasn't really shown a likeable side of him. but its lowkey funny how you guys forget abt the situation making him the person he is now. #1 remember the scene his dad comes home and hed rather be somewhere else? that was implied family rejection. a parent who shouldve protected his child and love him actually made his son felt that way? you guys know the answer to that. #2 remember when kyubin blackmailed him? now i dont want to bring his past as he showed great character development and he has his own catalyst as to why he turned out to be a delinquent. but remember how kyubin goaded him with his sexuality? risking to expose seunghee's sexuality? playing gay porn in the classroom to the point seungtaek got into a fistfight w him? kyutaek dragging him into their needless drama when they needed to sort their shit out themselves. he was a victim of the situation in a way and who wouldnt be mad abt that? so far only seungtaek, the vice pres girl and suhyeok reached out to him amongst their peers. i can see why he wasnt being friendly with seungtaek (though i do wish they'd be friends in the future. all of em) and it was unreasonable for seunghee to act that way. but he showed instances when he opened up, agreeing to help the girl and lending his shirt to suhyeok. seunghee generally seek friends in the gay community through sns. he thought he'd found someone who understands him: the blonde guy. he's gay and the guy's gay. his secret is safe with the guy. he's not afraid of being judged and pushed away like his classmates would probably do if they found out abt his sexuality. so its reasonable for him to decide and find out abt the guy himself. its because he thought he'll lose his only friend. so you guys should chill with all the hate. seunghee isn't perfect. he's naive, anti-social and has severe trust issues. but he has a lot of room for growth and it will come. i for one, would love seeing him being friends with seungtaek and the girl. i hope it'll be like that (not sure abt kyubin, he didnt really extend a hand for friendship to seunghee did he lol) NOT SO SPOILER:

i read the raws. he handled it well tbh. this is just a moment akin to suspense lol.

    nezu December 2, 2018 3:06 pm

    Can you tell me if the blode is really a pedophile, or if this is just a misunderstanding? pls

    Hanabi December 2, 2018 3:58 pm
    Can you tell me if the blode is really a pedophile, or if this is just a misunderstanding? pls nezu

    He's a very much adult grooming and dating a minor. So, yes. (and as we've found out he's done this repeatedly for years)

    nezu December 2, 2018 4:01 pm
    He's a very much adult grooming and dating a minor. So, yes. (and as we've found out he's done this repeatedly for years) Hanabi

    oh my gooooooood i hope he goes to jail istg

    yaois December 2, 2018 7:29 pm


    queerhecate December 2, 2018 11:46 pm
    Can you tell me if the blode is really a pedophile, or if this is just a misunderstanding? pls nezu


    he is. and seunghee left him when he found out.

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