someone give that lady a best mom award. she's doing a great job as a parent and as a family member you could trust and rely on, moreso the fact that seunghee has just gone through puberty when he came out and was in a difficult phase in his life when he needed support the most. fuck seunghoon and their shitty dad, seunghee would be better of w/o them.

what's even sadder is the fact that seu ghee felt heavy after his mom and brother went out. it's like he wanted to be with his family after all, and i can almost feel his yearning to have a family who can accept him yanno? who wouldn't be sad that your family turned against you just bcs youre different after all

spoilers & ppl who had read the latest translated chapter pls don't read
WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU KWON SUHYEOK. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU TO BRING HAPPINESS IN SEUNGHEE'S LIFE. now you've gone and done it. you really fucked up. if the boy can't find a reason to trust anyone any more it'll be all your damn fault. i love you but you just went and fucked it all up bcs apparently you're so obsessed over someone else's affairs when your most important person is in front of you. pls. do something and settle this misunderstanding with seunghee (unless you were being a jerk and that fact somehow escapes from my google translation... then you can go to hell cuz i sure am disappointed with you like seunghee did)
i totally support inbeom being a close friend to seunghee. hell the only thing he did wrong was being an ass in middle school and abt to beat the shit outta his crush but he was really reformed now that hes working hard bcs hes a school dropout. his friendship with seunghee is so sweet and fun to the point seunghee felt comfortable to tell him abt his r/ship w suhyeok. boy was shocked but was also immediately cool w it. it feels like suhyeok's the only one who's being unnecessarily anxious just bcs inbeom knows abt them. heck inbeom was pretty worried for seunghee when he found that they had broken up. i just need someone to be there for seunghee despite everything... i'm glad hes getting close to inbeom and the class vice pres
seunghee deserves everything. he got shit for breathing and i just want to hug him, wrap him in heaps of blanket and feed him his fav food. this manhwa should end with seunghee finally being happy and comfortable in his own skin, loved by a person who loves him wholeheartedly (yes im side eyeing you suhyeok) and finding friends and family he can truly be himself with.
also... seungtaek is so cute with longer bangs. he looks so soft uwu. seems like the only times kyubin appears nowadays are of him being blushy and going heart eyes over seungtaek eheh
a week's gonna be a long time. pretty sure this manhwa is far from ending

idk what's happening and what's gonna happen thanks to my non existent korean but all i know is that suhyeok and seunghee has always been a thing even in the author's art on twitter so i think their conflict will have its resolution BUT we all thought this manhwa was abt seunghee x seungtaek in the first place so anything can happen lmaooo. i just hope that suhyeok can own up to his mistake and seunghee finally deserves his happiness (and like you said, it can be anyone as long as they're worthy for him) ((like srsly this boy is so selfless when he loves somebody and it hurts me seeing him hurting argh))

seeing seunghee distraught at the end of the latest chapter really worried me whew... i went to google translate and the gist i've been getting is that suhyeok doesn't like it that seunghee told inbeom abt their relationship? he said he's not mad but he worries that inbeom would tell his family (not that i think he will... bcs inbeom has kinda reformed these latest chapters; he seems like a good guy)... and it seems like he asked if seunghee knows who kyubin likes... is it in relation to seungtaek(?) who kissed inbeom in his dreams (or memory(?)) and is suhyeok tryna get back at inbeom? like maybe he needs reassurance that inbeom won't tell his family so he wants to find out whos the guy inbeom liked too (which is impliedly seungtaek?)??? ARGH i really need to learn korean, google is helpful but its not perfect so i only understood half..... if anyone of yall know and understand more pls correct me and enlighten me
i really hope my baby is okay though, he mustve felt so guilty and is horrified at the prospect of suhyeok experiencing the same thing he did with his family (i can relate... family rejecting you bcs of yr sexuality can be so traumatising) but hopefully he won't be. i feel like inbeom is trustworthy this time, but who knows... & i just hope they're gonna be okay though... at this point of the story i want more sweet and fluffy moments, i'm kinda sick of angst rn sjnshshshshs i'm so invested in the story of these babs i hope it will all work out in the end

i love the art, i love their childhood story, and they'd be super likeable if harada wasn't an airhead and a cheat and ume wasn't desperate and pathetic lmaooo
the scene where they are at home and ume tending to him is so cute but oh my this is some next level dumbassery... harada boy you blind to the love your friend is giving you. i mean he have multiple girlfriends throughout the years he should know that ume meant it the romantic way when he said he likes him
ume too. he should be giving up instead of mistreating himself and hara's girlfriends (well not directly, but he did enable harada to cheat) and find a man who can actually reciprocate his feelings.
let's see how this turns out... i hope it gets better. really love the art though (i love how the author draws chibi uwu) it'd be a waste if the story is not up to par
wanna spill abt the latest raws (spoiler)
i can't stand all them sad and broken faces... i feel like crying myself... they like each other so please i just wish that this conflict would resolve soon. that suhyeok could show how much he loves him (bcs he does) and that seunghee could find it in himself to trust him again (bcs he deserves being happy)... it's already a 100 chapters in, too much angst is no good for me i just want fluff and happiness and love now. no one in this manhwa should be getting a sad ending :(
i as well!! keep reading earlier chaps to remember good times
for real! i kept rereading chapter 84 and all the fluffy scenes TT ugh this is so painful please be happy soon my babes
i guess seunghee felt betrayed and lost his trust in him when he saw that suhyeok became his boyfriend just for the revenge thing with kyubin... but!!! suhyeok actually likes him and had been trying so hard to approach him before due to his feelings too, & not just bcs he wanted revenge. thats the gist of the latest chapter i think. :(
From what I read from the translation of google translation, in the latest raw seughee broke up (but the translation didn’t make sense so I don’t know why) and sukehoyk (I don’t know how to write his name) was saying that he was tired of trying so hard to get closer to him for nothing (I don’t know if it helped ^^´ ) but you can screen the raw and put them in google translation if you can’t wait the update ! You will see yourself and not with my shitty explanation ( ̄∇ ̄")
And I’m wondering now if seughee will end up being with inbeom since they seem to have grown closer ! (I’m sorry if a made English mistakes too, I hope my sentences made sense >.<‘ )
I just want all of them to finish with someone they love (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 and I don’t know which one could be better for seughee, a long as they truly love him. But even if sukeyok went to seughee first for the revenge, I think he really did fall in love with him (at least a little) soo I don’t know
And I have a question, why did sukeyohk wanted revenge on kyubin, like what did kyubin do ? When I started to read the manwha I got mixed up between the two cousins so I really don’t know, if someone could tell me please ( ̄∇ ̄")
That’s a little weird when you see how bad the relationship between the cousins is
I will maybe read some parts again to check this
can you give us raws link? (=・ω・=)
Here :) I suggest you to look arround the site for other Korean webtoons raws, you will find many of them ! If you have a hard time finding them just copy paste their Korean name in the searching.