User009004003 March 7, 2025 12:09 am

Can someone spoil me and explain why tf did he get hard after seeing a dead frog gut ???

User009004003 February 26, 2025 11:16 pm

6 chapter and EVERY SINGLE one of them pissed me the fuck off I was sooooo happy when he smacked him with the bottle brooo. Nah he needed to die bro he got no buisness being this fucking annoying story was ass too like literally nothing good expect the art

User009004003 February 24, 2025 3:35 pm

I genuinely do NOT feel bad for Yoonho’s ass at all. “He betrayed me and cheated” nigga, you raped him and made someone watch you do it. Nobody gives a fuck that he broke your rapist heart. Suyeon’s a bad person, but the other two are fucking sex offenders, so yeah, I’m choosing the cheater who got manipulated and raped over the actual rapists. The other two can go kill themselves for all I care.

    canonMT February 24, 2025 6:26 pm

    Yoonho's objectively the best human being between those 3, to be fair he only developed rapist tendencies because Suyeon planted and nursed those toxicity on him

    and before you attack me with some woke shit, or call me a victim blamer: you KNOW I'm right. In this story that's literally what happened, that's literally the logic that the author went with.

    Obviously if this was real life shit would be a lot different.

    User009004003 February 24, 2025 8:46 pm
    Yoonho's objectively the best human being between those 3, to be fair he only developed rapist tendencies because Suyeon planted and nursed those toxicity on himand before you attack me with some woke shit, or ... canonMT

    That nigga’s a rapist. They had a safe word, and he knew damn well that when you say the safe word, you stop. That bitch didn’t. He’s a fucking rapist, and nobody forced him to be one. They always set boundaries, and Suyeon never broke those before the rape. He also never talked about fantasizing about getting raped or Yoonho going against his consent, so idk what the fuck you’re on about with your whole suyeon planted those rapist tendency like no bro that mf did it HIMSELF , "don’t attack me with that woke shit" nigga you defend rapist this ain’t wokism this is just having commun sense… like wether you like it or not you’re by definition literally blaming the victim. If you seriously think rapists are better than cheaters, then you need fucking help.

    canonMT February 25, 2025 1:11 pm

    where and when did I defend the rape? Ppl like u just always wanna look for shit. Stay mad nigga

    User009004003 February 25, 2025 5:41 pm

    Bitch if you can’t read it not my fault I say you defend a rapist not that you defend rape also either you it’s weird asf so go cry me a river

    canonMT February 26, 2025 2:56 pm
    Bitch if you can’t read it not my fault I say you defend a rapist not that you defend rape also either you it’s weird asf so go cry me a river User009004003

    lmao, nigga take a chill pill and stop crying. It's so obvious you're struggling with something, stop projecting onto strangers online and go talk to a therapist

    User009004003 February 26, 2025 10:45 pm

    (This would be my last responding to you fucking weirdo, so don’t bother responding cuz ain’t give a single fuck about your CEO of victim blaming ass, who feed into rape culture)

    The fact that you think I need to personally struggle with something just to acknowledge that I just don’t fuck with a rapist is actually insane. Like bsffr…

    The only one who needs a therapist is you,cuz thinking a rapist is morally better than a cheater who cheated on his OWN RAPIST? Bitch, we need to check your criminal record ASAP, bcs deadass saying that he only became a rapist because of the victim is genuinely disgusting and fucked up like only rapist think like that.

    Just because it’s fiction doesn’t mean you gotta throw your whole ass moral compass in the trash. Like, use your brain for once bitch-ass nigga. No matter what happened, a rapist is always responsible for their own actions, whether you like it or not you’re excusing and justifying assault. rape is a conscious decision, not just a "tendency" that someone else "planted." Mind you that was a grown ass men at that

    And before you go and say how it’s not that deep and it’s just fiction
    Know that Just because it’s fiction doesn’t mean it make it morally alright to say what you’re saying. The fact that you’re bending over and backwards to defend a rapist is batshit crazyyy, fictional or not, it says a lot about you as a person and how you actually think. Like, you do realize that normal people don’t feel the need to justify rape under any circumstances, right?

    And beyond that, this kind of shit has a real impact. Survivors of rape and sexual assault exist, and seeing people casually excuse or romanticize this behavior, even in fiction it can be triggering as fuck. It normalizes dangerous dynamics and makes it harder for real victims to be taken seriously. Idk how old your but clearly not old enough to read story like that

    Jay February 27, 2025 3:29 am
    (This would be my last responding to you fucking weirdo, so don’t bother responding cuz ain’t give a single fuck about your CEO of victim blaming ass, who feed into rape culture) The fact that you think I n... User009004003

    how you gonna read a shitty porno and then be surprised that the characters actions arent taken as seriously as real life crimes?
    you do know that fiction doesnt always aim to treat crime with realistic gravity plus attitude towards fictional crimes and real life crimes are never going to be the same (even when portrayed right) because its fiction, so even more so when its this type of fiction.

    and if you wanna go the real impact sa survivors exist direction, then why do you consume shit like this?
    also that could literally apply to every depiction in fiction of anything potentially sensitive, because there is always going to be someone triggered/trauma by something.

    just find something better to read lol

    User009004003 February 27, 2025 1:16 pm
    how you gonna read a shitty porno and then be surprised that the characters actions arent taken as seriously as real life crimes?you do know that fiction doesnt always aim to treat crime with realistic gravity ... Jay

    I stopped when he raped him for the first and when I saw there was a new chapter I read a few and then stopped cuz it was disputing and not even well written so no I did not read this story at all… and everything that you say change absolutely nothing about my point bcs as I say normal people don’t go out of their way to defend rape

    Jay February 28, 2025 7:41 am
    I stopped when he raped him for the first and when I saw there was a new chapter I read a few and then stopped cuz it was disputing and not even well written so no I did not read this story at all… and everyt... User009004003

    normal people also know how to separate fiction from reality.

    Huaran February 28, 2025 8:17 pm

    Idk why everyone’s disagreeing with you. I’d objectively choose Suyeon over the other two. I still do feel a bit bad for Yoonho because Suyeon’s self destruction also involved him, but he should’ve also broken it off the moment Suyeon cheated. I definitely think there were mixed signals between Suyeon and Yoonho, but idc, Yoonho is still a rapist at the end of the day and didn’t communicate if Suyeon had even gave him the proper signal.

    He dragged it on by calling the other professor over for a threesome, a sad fucked up one. It’s not like Suyeon wanted to be fucked in front, it’s not like he forced the relationship. He didn’t continue to hide it from Yoonho.

    I dislike that Suyeon cheated but I also focus on the fact that his childhood influenced the way he is. Cheating isn’t the end of the world although it is being a horrible partner—not a horrible human.

    Nothing warrants rape. Suyeon is objectively better, and everyone who disagrees can disagree. If they wanna argue, kiss my ass…

    And the worst would be the other professor Gyeol imo.

    Huaran February 28, 2025 8:18 pm
    (This would be my last responding to you fucking weirdo, so don’t bother responding cuz ain’t give a single fuck about your CEO of victim blaming ass, who feed into rape culture) The fact that you think I n... User009004003

    Preach. Idk why the other said why do we read it if we went through something like that or something along that line, but they don’t understand that many S.A. survivors will still read because it’s how they can cope, it’s how they can relate and understand. It doesn’t mean they like it. There’s a difference…

    Thank you. I will never like rape or normalize it, it’s disgusting, fiction or not.

    Jay February 28, 2025 11:15 pm
    Preach. Idk why the other said why do we read it if we went through something like that or something along that line, but they don’t understand that many S.A. survivors will still read because it’s how they... Huaran

    reading comprehension aint your strong suit i see.

    Huaran February 28, 2025 11:34 pm
    reading comprehension aint your strong suit i see. Jay

    Whoops, sorry you can’t comprehend opinions! Or you do and don’t care, the feeling is mutual.

    Jay March 1, 2025 1:08 am
    Whoops, sorry you can’t comprehend opinions! Or you do and don’t care, the feeling is mutual. Huaran

    aint nothing mutual about your lack of comprehension, because no one was talking about sa victims reading sa stories.
    this is not about "opinions", i just dont like my words being competently misinterpreted lol.

    Huaran March 1, 2025 1:31 am
    aint nothing mutual about your lack of comprehension, because no one was talking about sa victims reading sa stories.this is not about "opinions", i just dont like my words being competently misinterpreted lol. Jay

    Lack of comprehension, indeed. Yeah sorry. When I say the feeling is mutual, I’m referring to the “you do or don't care”.

    And my reply was to OP about your comment, which might be why you replied to me lol. I’m only saying that people can still read something even if triggered. It shouldn’t bother you if they consume such. Why do you care if they do? They’re free to read and express. And OP merely stated their opinion, I won’t change theirs and I won’t try to with yours.

    You have your opinion about it being fiction, and I’ll respect that. I also don’t expect fiction to suddenly involve police when it comes to men being raped by another man, especially in BL. I hate rape, but me reading it doesn’t change anything.

    Saying “normal” people can separate fiction and reality is quite icky, it’s implying those who can’t are abnormal. Maybe poor choice of words but maybe you didn’t mean it?

    All OP is saying is they don’t defend rape and how much they hate it, even if it’s fiction. And I promise it’s completely normal to read nasty porno shit, and still talk shit about it. It’s how reading can be.

    I just don’t get why you feel the need to bring in the “it’s fiction” argument. The OP is just expressing their hate for rapists. Reading this doesn’t mean they’re contradicting themselves is my point.

    Huaran March 1, 2025 1:35 am
    aint nothing mutual about your lack of comprehension, because no one was talking about sa victims reading sa stories.this is not about "opinions", i just dont like my words being competently misinterpreted lol. Jay

    What is your words actually? You can make your own post and express yourself.

    Argument aside, are you 25+?

    User009004003 March 1, 2025 6:15 am
    normal people also know how to separate fiction from reality. Jay

    You’re not the smart bitch you think you’re lmaoo. Separating fiction from reality doesn’t mean fiction has no impact. If it did, propaganda wouldn’t exist, and people wouldn’t be influenced by the media they consume. Normal people can enjoy/relate to problematic stories while still acknowledging that defending a rapist, even a fictional one is weird as hell.

    Y’all would defend fucking hitler if he was a fictional character and that’s NOT a compliment

    User009004003 March 1, 2025 6:27 am
    Idk why everyone’s disagreeing with you. I’d objectively choose Suyeon over the other two. I still do feel a bit bad for Yoonho because Suyeon’s self destruction also involved him, but he should’ve also... Huaran

    OMGGGG THANK YOUUU . Mind you, I never said Suyeon was a good person like he IS toxic. But projecting your self-hatred onto someone is not on the same level as raping someone multiple times, like…???

    And tbh, I don’t really care that he "cheated" on him, because if he hadn’t raped him in front of the other professor, this whole thing wouldn’t have happened. To me, he just got what he deserved. (And mind you, Suyeon was also getting raped while he was "cheating.")

    Everybody’s mad cuz I prefer the victim and not the fucking rapist

    Jay March 5, 2025 11:18 pm
    Lack of comprehension, indeed. Yeah sorry. When I say the feeling is mutual, I’m referring to the “you do or don't care”.And my reply was to OP about your comment, which might be why you replied to me lol... Huaran

    yeah ppl can read shit thats triggering to them, but my comment relates to how op brought up that romanticized fictional rape has real impact on victims being taken seriously, so i found it odd for someone who holds such a strong stance to consume media they find damaging (not necessarily to them, but to victims).

    and op was not just saying they hate and dont defend rape, lets not act obtuse.
    op was implying that the first commenter (canonMT) is a real rape apologist or worse-over their views on fictional characters, so yeah, i had a need to bring in the "its fiction".

    idgaf about anyones reason as to why they read rape porn, i dont judge.
    i just find it weird as fuck that op said stuff like "we need to check your criminal record" and "only rapist think like that" just because someone doesnt share the same opinion as them on fictional characters.

    (quick english lesson: "OR" is a coordinating conjunction, it connects words/clauses as equal possibilities.
    So "the feeling is mutual" refers to BOTH ideas, because they are presented as equal possibilities: "you can’t comprehend opinions!" OR "you do and don’t care")

    Jay March 5, 2025 11:18 pm
    You’re not the smart bitch you think you’re lmaoo. Separating fiction from reality doesn’t mean fiction has no impact. If it did, propaganda wouldn’t exist, and people wouldn’t be influenced by the me... User009004003

    you do realize that propaganda only works because its presented as reality, so ppl get tricked into believing its real. If those people knew that (whatever thing they were being told) was fake, it would never work lol

    yeah, ppl are influenced by the media they consume, but rarely does fictional entertainment media cause real negative consequences. rape fantasy porn has no effect on rape statistics, slasher movies have no effect on murder statistics.

    read and criticize whatever work you want, but if a sub genre in fiction is meant to be a certain way, dont act surprised when readers treat it that way lol. dark romance is set up to redeem the (in any other case) irredeemable, it downplays the real consequences and evil nature of rape in order for the romance to work.

    if you are familiar with berserk, Griffith defenders exist. now that i find weird as hell, because his character is not presented in such a way that he is meant to be defended and redeemed. (but it is still fiction at the end of the day.)

    User009004003 March 6, 2025 12:04 am
    yeah ppl can read shit thats triggering to them, but my comment relates to how op brought up that romanticized fictional rape has real impact on victims being taken seriously, so i found it odd for someone who ... Jay

    Which makes more than sense… If a character is a Nazi and you defend their Nazi behavior, then you’re a Nazi. How on earth can you possibly defend and excuse something if you don’t agree with it??

    You will never see me defend a fictional character who is a rapist. Why? Bcs I don’t agree with it, so why would I defend and excuse it…?

    The same way, if you defend a pedophile, you’re a pedophile and we need to check your hard drive because it really takes one to defend one…

    User009004003 March 6, 2025 12:31 am
    you do realize that propaganda only works because its presented as reality, so ppl get tricked into believing its real. If those people knew that (whatever thing they were being told) was fake, it would never w... Jay

    fictional media can still influence attitudes about things like consent or power dynamics. It’s not always about directly affecting stats like rape or murder, like it can shape how people see and treat others, even if it's not super obvious. they can normalize harmful ideas that affect how people behave or think about real-life issues. It's not about the stats it’s about the vibes and attitudes behind it, not just the actions. Like yes someone defending and normalizing rape on mangago dot com won’t make rapist rape more but it would def make victim of rape feel unsupported or unheard. And this is called feeding into rape culture which CAN actually have impact on the stats you were talking about

    Also I would like to disagree with your murdered statistics thingy cuz it’s not true at all. some horror movies have inspired killers in the past. Like, certain movies have actually influenced how people commit crimes or the methods they use. For example, Natural Born Killers (1992) was linked to a couple who went on a killing spree in the '90s. Yeah, they tried to copy that. Or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre there were reports of people actually getting inspired by Leatherface, and even crimes happening that copied scenes from the movie. Same with Scream

    Also if I want to disagree with people treating rape as something lesser evil then cheating I will.
    Just because it’s meant to be a certain way doesn’t mean it should be without critique
    Fiction is fake but it had/have/will have impact and influence in our society wether we like it or not so let’s not be obtuse and selfish and feed into weird ass culture like rape culture

User009004003 February 24, 2025 11:03 am

Mind you all this happened bcs that nigga couldn’t accept the fact that he was gay… "I’m straight" yeah straight up a fag

    아리안네 February 24, 2025 12:53 pm

    Fr lol, pure evil

    Axi_will find you February 28, 2025 4:40 pm

    Lowkey dawg PREACH

    grim3 March 1, 2025 8:45 am

    gotta be the most dumbest shit ever like bro… they got a hole too dumfuck

    aaa March 1, 2025 9:25 pm

    Calling his brother creepy when he’s the one spiking his best friend with a pussy making drug

    User009004003 March 3, 2025 10:40 am
    Calling his brother creepy when he’s the one spiking his best friend with a pussy making drug aaa

    Brother made it for our trans queen and this bitch ass nigga had to ruin it

User009004003 February 14, 2025 2:39 pm

Everyone is so cute and lovely that insane

User009004003 February 10, 2025 1:10 am

Misplaced panel ??? We are sooo fucking back bro ik this is going to be peak

User009004003 February 6, 2025 12:38 pm

Imma need author to stop with this incest shit… like if there’s going to be incest in the story AT LEAST portrays it as something bad

User009004003 February 3, 2025 9:01 pm

I’m sorry but the uke is the ugly thing I’ve ever seen and why is he balding ?????

    Atys February 5, 2025 4:10 am

    Maybe because people who are balding exist?

    User009004003 February 5, 2025 10:02 am
    Maybe because people who are balding exist? Atys

    Except this nigga is NOT supposed to be balding lmaooo

    Yaoi_Fujoshi February 6, 2025 4:59 am
    Except this nigga is NOT supposed to be balding lmaooo User009004003


    yippie February 9, 2025 12:33 am
    Except this nigga is NOT supposed to be balding lmaooo User009004003


    Yaoi_Fujoshi February 9, 2025 7:14 am


User009004003 February 3, 2025 4:45 pm

Jun never did anything bad idk why y’all hate him??? Actions make someone bad not thought, we all have bad thoughts that's what makes us human. It's whether we act on them that categorizes us as good, bad, or morally gray.

On the other hand I need that nigga junwoo or sum dead by tomorrow 8am. Mean to his friend mean to the person he is inlove with… man YOU GOTTA KILL YOURSELF

yohan he is just there… he doesn’t interfere with anything and let everything happen.

Taesan again is just a poor meow meow who need to get out of this hell hole

    SIOPRO February 3, 2025 4:57 pm

    You’re the one who called me a NIGGA YOU KILL YOURSELF

    User009004003 February 3, 2025 5:27 pm
    You’re the one who called me a NIGGA YOU KILL YOURSELF SIOPRO

    Omfgggg I’m ctfu this ain’t about you lmaooo your ass ain’t junwoo

    User009004003 February 3, 2025 5:29 pm
    You’re the one who called me a NIGGA YOU KILL YOURSELF SIOPRO

    Also why tf are you saying nigga ???? Your ass is NOT black

    SIOPRO February 3, 2025 5:36 pm
    Also why tf are you saying nigga ???? Your ass is NOT black User009004003

    How do I know you’re black???
    And you’re literally the one who said it first
    This is mangago bitch

    SIOPRO February 3, 2025 5:37 pm
    Omfgggg I’m ctfu this ain’t about you lmaooo your ass ain’t junwoo User009004003

    What the actual fuck is CTFU

    User009004003 February 3, 2025 8:44 pm
    How do I know you’re black??? And you’re literally the one who said it firstThis is mangago bitch SIOPRO

    Bcs my black ass is black lmaoo on the other hand you’re not

    User009004003 February 3, 2025 8:47 pm
    What the actual fuck is CTFU SIOPRO

    This in it self prove me your not black THIS IS AAVE… don’t say the n word if you’re not black weird ass bitch

    SIOPRO February 4, 2025 3:34 am
    Bcs my black ass is black lmaoo on the other hand you’re not User009004003

    Girl are you fucking dumb I’m just gonna believe what you’re saying

    User009004003 February 4, 2025 9:16 am
    Girl are you fucking dumb I’m just gonna believe what you’re saying SIOPRO

    Why tf would I lie about that ?

    SIOPRO February 4, 2025 11:23 am
    Why tf would I lie about that ? User009004003

    To save yourself from saying the word NIGGA out in the public?

    User009004003 February 5, 2025 10:03 am
    To save yourself from saying the word NIGGA out in the public? SIOPRO

    You’re weird ash get tf out of my mentions u racist bitch

    SIOPRO February 5, 2025 3:29 pm
    You’re weird ash get tf out of my mentions u racist bitch User009004003

    Girl wait are you ACTUALLy 12??? You’re sounding like those blue haired xe/xeirs

    User009004003 February 5, 2025 8:00 pm
    Girl wait are you ACTUALLy 12??? You’re sounding like those blue haired xe/xeirs SIOPRO

    Nobody gaf you still racist

    SIOPRO February 6, 2025 7:38 am
    Nobody gaf you still racist User009004003


    User009004003 February 6, 2025 12:41 pm

    I don’t give two fuck

    SIOPRO February 6, 2025 2:07 pm
    I don’t give two fuck User009004003

    Oh nooo what will happen

    User009004003 February 6, 2025 5:27 pm
    Oh nooo what will happen SIOPRO

    Maybe you’ll die who know ????

    SIOPRO February 6, 2025 7:51 pm
    Maybe you’ll die who know ???? User009004003

    oh god I physically cringed

    User009004003 February 6, 2025 10:36 pm
    oh god I physically cringed SIOPRO

    Omfg nobody gaf about your racist ass…

    SIOPRO February 7, 2025 3:09 pm
    Omfg nobody gaf about your racist ass… User009004003

    And yet you’re still replying. Throwing around the words racist as if you definitely didn’t call ME nigga disregarding the fact I’m actually black, doesn’t matter really because I didn’t direct that word to anybody.

    Literally don’t get why kids are on this app, maturity seems to be lacking

    User009004003 February 7, 2025 6:00 pm
    And yet you’re still replying. Throwing around the words racist as if you definitely didn’t call ME nigga disregarding the fact I’m actually black, doesn’t matter really because I didn’t direct that w... SIOPRO

    Is you 60

    SIOPRO February 7, 2025 6:18 pm
    Is you 60 User009004003

    “I’m gonna hit em w a banger comeback✍” ahh comment

    User009004003 February 9, 2025 7:25 pm
    “I’m gonna hit em w a banger comeback✍” ahh comment SIOPRO

    Hoe is you done ?

    SIOPRO February 10, 2025 7:23 am
    Hoe is you done ? User009004003

    Banger comeback!!111!1!!!

    User009004003 February 10, 2025 8:07 am
    Banger comeback!!111!1!!! SIOPRO


User009004003 January 31, 2025 9:40 pm

Ik i’m supposed to hate the mother and everything but the way she would do anything for her child is very sweet too me idk. Like to me she is a bad person but a good mother

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