I know one day Subin's going to betray hyung and fall for Hyunwoo all over again but damn how great would it be if Subin move on and actually fall in love with hyung as deep as his feeling for Hyunwoo. I really don't want to expect too much and get my hopes up because I'm sure Subin and Hyunwoo are going to end up together since they're the main characters (and on the cover too) Let's just hope the author won't make my Kangjun suffer too much

It's true. He's the most popular guy. That doesn't guarantee anything but yea people are too quick to write him off. The way I see it could go either way. People are so sure it will be Hyunwoo..but what if he does hurt Hyung, dates Hyunwoo, and in that time realizes he misses Hyung and made a mistake? :S Who knows? It's not over yet.
nope never liked the guy he said Mi Xi look shady but has he ever looked into the mirror?