nana December 2, 2019 6:07 pm

they’re all a pack of idiots jfc

nana November 10, 2019 8:00 pm

damn death is starting to piss me off

    Nekokitty-chan November 12, 2019 3:11 pm

    Watch out you would end up like MC

    nana November 14, 2019 7:30 pm
    Watch out you would end up like MC Nekokitty-chan

    yes please just so i could bitch slap death

nana October 30, 2019 7:51 pm

speech 1 0 0

nana September 24, 2019 6:43 pm

stop making me like him :’)

    Kasumi-chan007 September 24, 2019 6:53 pm

    I actually don't think it's wrong to like him? he's not a bad guy just has a one sided feelings for....(forgot his name...Chiwoo was it or not?! *scratching head*)

    nana September 24, 2019 6:58 pm
    I actually don't think it's wrong to like him? he's not a bad guy just has a one sided feelings for....(forgot his name...Chiwoo was it or not?! *scratching head*) Kasumi-chan007

    for now i guess you’re right. it just feels wrong since the author gave him an ominous background so i can’t trust him fully. Chiwoo seemed really shaken by him at first. just don’t want him to turn out to be a killer or sth

    Kasumi-chan007 September 24, 2019 7:06 pm
    for now i guess you’re right. it just feels wrong since the author gave him an ominous background so i can’t trust him fully. Chiwoo seemed really shaken by him at first. just don’t want him to turn out t... nana

    indeed! I agree with you about this part but he mentioned that he didn't kill anyone but Chiwoo believes or thinks he did? because of what happened between them in the past?( cause you showed a scene where that hottie was on top of Chiwoo and he was bleeding( ̄へ ̄)) hopefully he won't be a killer as he mentioned it himself~ <3

    CacahuateEstornudo September 24, 2019 11:42 pm
    I actually don't think it's wrong to like him? he's not a bad guy just has a one sided feelings for....(forgot his name...Chiwoo was it or not?! *scratching head*) Kasumi-chan007

    But he is a bad guy? He is messing with chiwoo's life

    shirotani September 25, 2019 12:20 am
    I actually don't think it's wrong to like him? he's not a bad guy just has a one sided feelings for....(forgot his name...Chiwoo was it or not?! *scratching head*) Kasumi-chan007

    I’m pretty sure he is a bad guy... his possessiveness isn’t cute or normal, he’s CRAZY crazy. I’m afraid of what he’s gonna do next lol

    Kasumi-chan007 September 25, 2019 5:46 pm
    I’m pretty sure he is a bad guy... his possessiveness isn’t cute or normal, he’s CRAZY crazy. I’m afraid of what he’s gonna do next lol shirotani

    loool that's true xD
    I mean he's bad for doing all those stuff just because he loves Chiwoo and of course! there's no way that he's gonna do more bad stuff in the future for him lol
    but I was talking about his past cause he mentioned that he didn't kill anyone even though he went to jail.....

nana September 11, 2019 6:36 pm

It’s 2am and i almost shit myself seeing sungtae’s face

nana September 3, 2019 11:38 pm

yooo am i tripping or hoyeon look exactly like Gyuh-Wool (crazy guy) except with blonde hair? don't know how he'd survive that fall and without anybody knowing but hey what if the fall messed up his head so he dyed his hair, get a new identity and get revenge or sth? that'd explain why he has the name tag and seem to have some kind of connection with mc (singing the song he likes, crazy guy stated he used to get bullied too) still don't get why he'd kidnap mc tho if the theory is true

    Yaoipebia September 3, 2019 11:46 pm


    nana September 3, 2019 11:51 pm


    Ms. Chank September 4, 2019 1:10 am

    It has to be him

    Loveislovehoe September 4, 2019 2:15 am

    The height is the only thing that doesn't add up tho

    Anonymous September 4, 2019 2:46 am

    You know that would be great to the story if it was true it answered so many questions But how could he be that strong after the fall ? Even the other bully couldn’t touch him

    TurtleLord September 4, 2019 3:55 am
    The height is the only thing that doesn't add up tho Loveislovehoe

    Maybe him being skinnier is what makes him look freakishly tall

    Dalia A. September 4, 2019 4:55 am

    Or maybe relative since... There's another very small detail that makes them not be the same person and it is the mole, blondie doesn't have it. Q.Q

    TurtleLord September 5, 2019 4:07 am
    Or maybe relative since... There's another very small detail that makes them not be the same person and it is the mole, blondie doesn't have it. Q.Q Dalia A.

    That's very true but the relative thing seems a a bit far fetched

nana June 24, 2019 10:39 pm

"It wasn't a puppy. It was Kwon Inbeom." - Suhyeok 2k19

nana June 24, 2019 9:48 pm

none of them are in the wrong and I'm sick of seeing people taking sides. You're seriously calling Han the bad guy because he asked for help? He's clearly desperate to help his innocent brother and Saegye is the only dare he knows obviously he's the only person he can trust and rely on. Imagine yourself inside Han's shoes, would you just stand there and watch your own family going to prison for something they didn't do? He was right to ask for help even if it seems like he's demanding for it, he really had no other choice. It's not like he resent Saegye afterward for refusing to help.

Saegye on the other hand also has the right to refuse to help. He's not wrong for it but the guilt and the consequences that comes later is what he has to face. Once those are dealt with, he can return to living his usual life while Han still has to suffer the outcome of the justice system that failed him and his family.

    akuma_river June 26, 2019 3:32 am

    I think people are upset because it's not like they were still friends. Han cut Saegye out of his life until this moment. Interfering here and there but they weren't true friends, not anymore.

    He is like an ex crawling back into someone's life because he needs help. Which yeah, I get it, for a loved one we would do anything but he never thought of how the world would react to Dares existing coming out or even why people don't know about them like the govt getting rid of all evidence... So instead of just his brother being in trouble not only Saegye but also everyone who knows about him including himself could disappear.

    being-you June 26, 2019 4:55 am
    I think people are upset because it's not like they were still friends. Han cut Saegye out of his life until this moment. Interfering here and there but they weren't true friends, not anymore.He is like an ex c... akuma_river

    i 100% ship this !

    deedee June 26, 2019 4:17 pm
    I think people are upset because it's not like they were still friends. Han cut Saegye out of his life until this moment. Interfering here and there but they weren't true friends, not anymore.He is like an ex c... akuma_river

    But who said Han cut Saegye out of his life? It’s never said clearly which way it went. Han continues to look out for him, doesn’t he? If he cut him out of his life, why bother? In fact, he continues to keep Saegye’s secret about being a dare. it’s more likely that Saegye distanced himself, so we shouldn’t villianise Han just because of our assumptions.

    deedee June 26, 2019 4:27 pm
    I think people are upset because it's not like they were still friends. Han cut Saegye out of his life until this moment. Interfering here and there but they weren't true friends, not anymore.He is like an ex c... akuma_river

    I think it’s unfair to blame Han for not exactly being considerate. He never threatened Saegye. All he asked was for Saegye to reconsider, but people act as if he guilt tripped Saegye and caused all of Saegye’s current guilt and emotional turmoil. No, Saegye feels guilty because he’s a decent human being who knows he didn’t do wrong, but feels bad that the situation is like this.

    Let’s say your mother is sent to prison for a crime she didn’t do. You know how prisons are like. R*pe, fights, bullying, etc. You know she’ll suffer not just in jail but when she comes out. The real criminal is a powerful person. There is only one person witnessed the crime.

    Would you not beg the person to help you? Or would you be a saint and think, “ah, I might emotionally trouble this person. I shan’t try to save my mother”? If you choose the latter, I have nothing to say because you’re consistent in how you judge others and yourself. Otherwise, it’s just hypocrisy. : People are faulting Han so much for normal human reactions when he’s already being pretty considerate by not begging again and again.

    deedee June 26, 2019 4:32 pm
    I think people are upset because it's not like they were still friends. Han cut Saegye out of his life until this moment. Interfering here and there but they weren't true friends, not anymore.He is like an ex c... akuma_river

    Oh crap I’m writing so much. I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m arrowing you. I don’t know what your views are, you just explained why people might be angry, so the reply was directed towards those people and not you (unless you do also share the same view as them).

    akuma_river June 27, 2019 6:25 am
    Oh crap I’m writing so much. I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m arrowing you. I don’t know what your views are, you just explained why people might be angry, so the reply was directed towards those people ... deedee

    My view was Han being like an ex and coming back asking for help desperately, which is normal and reasonable, but doesn't realize he is putting them all in danger by trying to have Saegye out himself.

    Han is still naive to think there will be no repercussions for telling the truth about Dates and that could get them all killed. So I blame him for that.

    deedee June 27, 2019 7:29 am
    My view was Han being like an ex and coming back asking for help desperately, which is normal and reasonable, but doesn't realize he is putting them all in danger by trying to have Saegye out himself.Han is sti... akuma_river

    But how do you know he doesn’t know about the repercussions? Clearly, he knows. Thing is, it’s his brother that’s at stake. It’s not an easy black and white situation where you can choose who is at fault and who is to blame. He knows, which is why he backed off eventually, but he can’t help wanting to save his brother.

    Again, I’ll pose you the same question about your mother being framed for a crime and being sent to jail. There’s only one witness and the criminal is a powerful person who could ruin the witness and his whole family’s lives. Are you blameworthy for asking him to help save your mother? Would you think you were wrong for trying to ask for help?

    If you can honestly say that you won’t try to help your mother, even though you know the potential consequences, then you have all right to find Han blameworthy. Otherwise, that’s just hypocrisy.

    akuma_river June 27, 2019 7:52 am
    But how do you know he doesn’t know about the repercussions? Clearly, he knows. Thing is, it’s his brother that’s at stake. It’s not an easy black and white situation where you can choose who is at faul... deedee

    You are arguing apples and oranges.

    It's not just my mom going to prison and being in danger. It is that plus knowing that the information you have can free her is a situation of national security so dangerous that the govt (or the powerful family of the Dare) will either disappear (put them in prison) everyone else who knows about this information or straight up murder everyone involved.

    So it is 1 person suffering vs 3 or 4 people's lives.

    And what would my mom want? Yes, she wants freedom but at the cost of all those other lives?

    Not to mention since my mom was framed she might actually get favored treatment by the govt to keep silent about the truth. Or the family might offer her money to keep her mouth shut.

    And no Han did not realize the magnitude of him asking Saegye to come talk to the cops.

    If he sat down and thought about why Dates are still considered myths...he would have realized that it's not just the rich and famous who have the power to cover this up but the govt is actively doing it too.

    It was not until Saegye spoke to him of his concerns he realized how dangerous things were but even still he was hoping Saegye would do it anyway. There is no way to out the secret of Dates without destroying the world as people know it.

    It's like saying aliens exist and are among us and can kill without consequences, how could our world survive that?

    deedee June 27, 2019 8:26 am
    You are arguing apples and oranges.It's not just my mom going to prison and being in danger. It is that plus knowing that the information you have can free her is a situation of national security so dangerous t... akuma_river

    Nope, you’re trying hard to add extra conditions because it’s not an easy question to answer without you feeling morally burdened. That’s exactly what I mean. The fact that you haven’t given a clear answer shows that you didn’t give much thought when deciding Han was blameworthy. I’ve already told you to consider the hypothetical situation with that the witness and his entire family will be dangerous, so I’m not sure why you insist that the situations are different because Saegye will affect others but for the witness in my hypothetical situation, it’s only one person.

    And that philosophy is dangerous, no? 1 person suffering versus 3-4 people suffering. Have you heard of the trolley dilemma? You’re implying that you would kill one person if it means sparing the other 5. But what has that one person done for you to decide that his suffering is worth less than the other 5? Would it be right then, if I chose to torture you instead of 5 other people?

    deedee June 27, 2019 8:42 am
    You are arguing apples and oranges.It's not just my mom going to prison and being in danger. It is that plus knowing that the information you have can free her is a situation of national security so dangerous t... akuma_river

    There’s another problem with your argument. You may say that the hypothetical situations are different because it affects the whole world, that the truth must be hidden at all costs because the world can’t “survive”. What you’re implying is that the average human needs to be coddled and protected from certain information, otherwise they can’t take it. So, should we hide what bad things that goes on so you can live in bliss? E.g. Sex trafficking, murders

    You know who else likes to use this reasoning to justify terrible things? Governments. George Bush went into war in Iraq, claiming they had weapons of mass destruction to the public when they’ve repeatedly gotten evidence that there’s NONE. Why do you think he did that? Because the silly public won’t understand why the US govt needs to go to war, so we’ll just hide the truth from the dumb public and make up some excuse of there being nuclear weapons in Iraq.

    I think it’d be good if you sit down and think through this as a discussion, not an attack on you. It’s not about “apples and oranges”, as I’ve shown you clearly. And if it’s hard for you to answer what I’ve brought up, then that shows that your initial opinion of Han is hypocritical.

    akuma_river June 27, 2019 9:02 am
    There’s another problem with your argument. You may say that the hypothetical situations are different because it affects the whole world, that the truth must be hidden at all costs because the world can’t ... deedee

    Ffs, I never said it was right to hide it but the truth is if Dares are revealed then there will be chaos and the govts are going to do everything they can to shut that down, so will the rich and powerful Dares and those who are using Dates to their advantage.

    The powers that be will bribe, disappear, or murder anyone and everyone that endangers their power.

    Han doesn't realize that nor that his pursuit to save his brother endangers them all.

    Bumblebee June 28, 2019 10:04 pm

    I agree with you. I don’t think anyone in their right mind, after witnessing their family getting accused of a crime they didn’t commit to not ask for help from the one person they trust or think could help. It’s not hard trying to imagine yourself in Han’s shoes. Han also only asked for a reconsideration and was never outright pushy or threatening with it. I just ended up feeling sorry for his situation, and for similar cases of unfairness we can see in our world, although we don’t suffer from the division of “truth” and “dares.”

nana June 16, 2019 7:21 pm

this is painful to read

nana June 12, 2019 4:21 pm

I'm dead inside now thanks

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