Beautiful art but boring story and characters.
Read up to chapter 23 and dropped.
Same as "Next to the Prince"

Pocket Angel Scans wants you to use the ad link on their site.
However, for those who have trouble with ad link, click here:

General warning about ads and redirects is that some links may redirect to viruses, malware, adware, and/or trojans. I use adblock and redirect control addons on my browser. I've gotten very good at shielding myself from threats and unwanted advertisements over the years. I don't turn of my adblock for any reason. Sometimes I need temporarily turn it off to tweak settings enough to trick sites into thinking I'm not using an adblock when I still do. I don't see any ads using the ad-link - just a 5 second time delay. Self-preservation. NO ADS.
Since Pocket Angel Scans also seems to care about their own self-preservation, I'll roll my eyes and stop with this post but I'm not taking it down.

Pocket Angel Scans wants you to use the ad link on their site.
However, for those who have trouble with ad link, click here:

Pocket Angel Scans wants you to use the ad link on their site.
However, for those who have trouble with ad link, click here:

FYI spreading the news~ the scanlator PocketAngelScans doesn't want the direct gdrive links posted otherwise they'll be restricting access including preventing the pdfs from being downloadable on the gdrive. i need to download; and this is true for others too bc gdrive screws up the pdf in the browser so pls just link to their website, not gdrive. For actual announcement, go to their discord.
Manhua's tend to have good art but shallow vengeful characters and horrible stories. I can only name a few that don't fit these categories.
completely agreed. manhuas of nearly every genre (except for comedy) tend to be very fast-paced and the character development is usually disappointing