What the hell.
If ur ever embarrassed then just remember Andrew came within a second of being inside of Luke.
Shes so sweet. I was kinda hoping for her to just say a random ass baby name as if that were always her name, and they’d roll with it.
He looks a bit like San from Ateez. Ok bai.
Wait don't go..... What do you mean San from ATEEZ???????????
STOP IT WAS JUST A THOUGHT WHEN I FIRST SAW HIM. The hair and the eyes and the the the
The???? What????? Didn't expect to encounter a fellow Atiny on this site especially on this type of topic HAHAHAHAHA
My memory is so bad I read this like 9 days ago and I dont even remember the plot
If u skip the smut then the story gets 10x shorter
What chapter does she peg him in the novel I NEEDA SEE HIM GET POUNDED
The newest chapters she is exploring this door. No peg yet
Ah</3 i remember somebody saying he gets pegged but HURRAH!!! Cant wait :3
Me and my gf
What the hell.