When to lose our virginity and whom to give it definitely our own choice but personally I believe rather than hooking up with a random person we should give it to someone who we love and respect and who loves and respects us because it is our special first time and it will be in our memory for a lifetime and trust making love with a person we love ......
i'm lowkey terrified of intimacy! i've had social anxiety since middle school and the thought of being open emotionally and sexually w someone else scares the shit out of me
Because I'm a very guarded person, I tend to stay within my comfort zone. And my comfort zone usually means reading books, watching anime and other things that typically requires less interaction with people. And I also have trust issues due to a bad past in my childhood which makes it harder for me to open up and taking it easy especially when it ......
Nothing wrong with you. Everyone has their pace and the time of doing stuff. Just because most people do it, doesn't mean you have to. Just take your time :) and there's no such thing as shit personality, everyone has something interesting that they have no idea they have. And the concept of "beautiful" is socially crafted. And plus, everyone has a......
Why are you a virgin?