Chiaki@naragathilwithYama February 1, 2021 7:13 pm

I can't believe that the uke is forgiving the seme for the all shit he has done not only to the uke but also to hundreds of lives because of his obsession?
Come on, the seme never ever repented for killing people whimsically for no reason?

    Evil CupCake February 1, 2021 7:34 pm

    EXACTLY !! this ain't a character development

    Nishinoyasthunderstorm February 1, 2021 8:54 pm

    Ur aware that that's his past life right ...

    caylikesgay February 2, 2021 12:43 am

    That's from the past life. And the current emperor himself was surprised to know what he has done before. Knowing the uke hates him for it, he decides to change. It's still character development if one changes for the better.

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama February 2, 2021 2:13 am
    Ur aware that that's his past life right ... Nishinoyasthunderstorm

    The emperor was willing to his own son and was killing his bed partners senselessly. He should be excused and forgiven just because he regrets hurting his lover when he ruined hundreds of lives?

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama February 2, 2021 2:16 am
    EXACTLY !! this ain't a character development Evil CupCake

    Agree with you. I was so excited thinking that this story will be different from others. I still like this webtoon, but not too excited as before.

    daididau February 2, 2021 4:13 am

    Well, the seme kind of did regret killing the others senselessly too. It's a subtle progression, since he is slowly learning little by little from the uke chastising him here & there. He is way more forgiving in the recent current lifetime compared to before he regained his memories, or his past life. This is a spoiler, but you'll see that in the end, he is also very merciful to the arch enemies. He could have done his worst, given that he was the target of the assassination attempt, plus that also put his beloved uke's life in grave danger too. But ultimately, he did not. Would that count as something?

    Nishinoyasthunderstorm February 2, 2021 4:33 am
    The emperor was willing to his own son and was killing his bed partners senselessly. He should be excused and forgiven just because he regrets hurting his lover when he ruined hundreds of lives? Chiaki@naragathilwithYama

    Do bl fans love to rave in this self proclaimed righteousness .... ur aware it's a work of fiction and it's part of the story line , what do u want them to do lock him up in jail ..... even real life royals of this era in real life are just as bad even worse .

    So yes even if he killed his sex partners in bed and tried to hit his son , it's gonna be excused cause that's what the plot says it will be . We all need to know how fiction works .

    Evil CupCake February 2, 2021 6:46 pm
    The emperor was willing to his own son and was killing his bed partners senselessly. He should be excused and forgiven just because he regrets hurting his lover when he ruined hundreds of lives? Chiaki@naragathilwithYama


Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 28, 2021 5:51 am

This webtoon has potential. However, despite my like for the mother and son, I can't understand and support Ercella's negligence of her own child. This might be normal. There are mothers who are worser than Ercella.
I would understand her hate if she got raped and had Vincent. But Ercella's reasons behind why she neglected and hated her child doesn't seem justifiable and seem childish in my eyes.

Maybe it's because my own mother never gave me or my brother up no matter what shit life was throwing at her. Compared to my mother, Ercella was so much more fortunate. My father left my mother, who is penniless and unemployed with 2 young children. She got several marriage offers from wealthier men even after her separation. But because she feared how step-father might treat us, she never remarried.

My brother and I used to be so hurt about our father's abandonment. Fortunately, we had our maternal uncle who loved and cherished us like gems. If our uncle wasn't there, my brother and I would have always felt that void. Just like that Vincent would always feels that void.

So, that's why I'll drop this webtoon. This is a good one. But I feel that that the reasons the author gave about why Ercella grew to Vincent so childish.

    liathames2128 January 27, 2021 9:48 pm

    I also cannot support the mother’s emotional negligence of her son. Even if the child is raised without any difficulties or struggles due to wealth, emotional negligence can have severe impacts on a child’s emotional/mental development. However, I also understand that not all mothers love their or are able to love their children. The reason for Ercella’s lack of love and even resentment for her son is highly likely due to postpartum depression and possibly even post traumatic stress disorder. What really struck me hard was her internal thought “I don’t know” when she was asked why she didn’t love her son by her husband.

    gingerale17 January 27, 2021 10:22 pm

    i don’t believe it’s justified per say but she probably suffered from post partum depression. Which i also have seen happen to first time mothers and it can cause that drift to happen. At least she acknowledges that she was wrong but she honestly couldn’t have done anything better. She had no support system and felt held back by having a child. She obviously couldn’t have gotten an abortion if she wasn’t ready.

    liathames2128 January 27, 2021 11:04 pm
    i don’t believe it’s justified per say but she probably suffered from post partum depression. Which i also have seen happen to first time mothers and it can cause that drift to happen. At least she acknowle... gingerale17

    Oh yeah, it’s definitely not justified. Reason does not equal justification for sure. ( T﹏T )

    feekapii January 28, 2021 7:42 am

    I support your standpoint and I can see where you are coming from but Mental Health will never be childish her negligence towards her own child shouldn't be forgiven nor should it be excused however her reasons while as low as some people might think is still valid.

    Ruri January 28, 2021 8:06 am

    I don't think the reason Erecella is cold to Vincente is childish at all. Severe depression is pretty serious, and often isn't taken seriously by those who haven't experienced it first hand or those who don't fully understand it. It's not something people can push through sometimes with sheer force of will.

    It's a mental illness, and what it does is it causes lapse in judgement, and disconnection from reality. Sometimes you can wake up and not know where you are. Sometimes you are compelled to do bad things for just that temporary sense of relief because the times when you aren't asleep, living feels like utter torture. Sometimes you KNOW you're depressed, and you can't stop the feeling of self-loathing, alienation, paranoia and the desire for self-torture. Even when your physical environment is one of safety and full of comfort, you could still be so deeply hurt and never fully understand why.

    I'm sorry your folks had a rough life growing up, I'm glad you made it out okay, but even when circumstances are different, everyone experiences pain the same way. No one's pain outweighs another by justification of circumstance.

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 15, 2021 7:32 am

This manga had alot of dog blood drama. I read the Novel and I fell in love with it at the end. The novel have the trope of seme torturing the uke and the uke forgiving him.
I also hated the uke for his doormat personality and I still blame him for catering to the seme's whimpers. But he turns 180⁰ on the seme when crosses his final limit.

Unlike other mangas and novels, like Overdose, Scarlet, and Innocent Blue, this manhua's uke is different is that he is unforgiving. He alls quits for REAL Unlike other ukes who forgave the seme when he showed a tear, this uke is stubborn like a mule in his unforgiving nature.
That is when this novel got so interesting. It felt so good to see the shitty seme groveling and earning back what he got.

    Your neighborhood ass January 15, 2021 7:45 am

    Could I know where you read he novel? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 15, 2021 8:01 am
    Could I know where you read he novel? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Your neighborhood ass

    I found from Novelupdates when they still had nastriumden's completed translation of this novel. But I think she deleted her translations or her webpage is full of pop up ads. So, someone is translating the novel and it is still incomplete.
    But checkout Intoxication's author Shui Qian Cheng's other novels such as Beloved Enemy and Professional Body Double. They are both complete and share the melodramatic trope as Intoxication.
    All three novels share the same universe with different protagonists and different storylines. So, you don't need to read in order.

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 9, 2021 5:53 pm

While keeping shoujo elements, this webtoon doesn't go in the same direction as other mangas. It doesn't have romance which was surprising since I didn't expect it from it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 8, 2021 6:26 pm

If I were in Harden's shoes I would lose respect and love for my spouse of she/he neglect their own child. I know how traumatizing it is to have a parent neglect you.

You never recover from the fact that your parent never loved you, when others kids are showered and pampered with love.

Since this is a manga, I don't't blame Ercella. But if this were a real person, even if the woman had PPTSD, I would despise her.

    Ginsal January 8, 2021 11:28 pm

    Honestly its kind of hard to be mad even if she was real because she had no choice in the matter. Like genuinely she is property that needs to birth a child at that time. There was no other path.

    She could have made different choices but basically a child was forced to marry and have a child and become an adult with no help. The maids can't say anything, society needs her to be perfect or else, and her husband loves her but doesn't help.

    I feel bad for everyone tbh because they're just part of the cycle. You can even see it in other families, like the girl who went to hide in the school due to bullying and her sins new fiance who has a bad personality and her parent enable her.

    Mece January 10, 2021 9:28 am

    I'd agree if we had any indication that he was a good father. He neglected his son too. This is the pot calling the kettle black.

    Also, they mentioned her father's death at in an earlier chapter, but I'm getting the vibe that their marriage was mad rushed. And so they didn't get married because of feelings, or at least she didn't. We are getting flashbacks so maybe he fell in love with her, in which case good for him. He got married to someone he loves. But what about her? She may have grew to care for him, but if she had to get married for finacial security then that's sad.

    But yeah, she was a shitty mom. Being 17 at the time probably played into that. Now she is trying to stop her 15 year old son from being engaged (to what looks like a bad person). This is part a broken clock is right twice a day, and part lived experience. She should object to this engagement with all that she has, and I don't think she is hypocritical for caring. She got forced to marry to young and hated it to the point of neglecting her son. And is now trying to stop that bad cycle of events by stopping her son from marring too young.

    If anything I don't get why the husband is so gung ho about this engagement. His wife was too young to be a good mother. So why would he want his son to marry young too? And this isn't me saying she was too young as a modern reader. In previous chapters all of her other friends weren't even married yet. All of her other friends hadn't yet had children. So it seems that it is okay in their society for a people to be unwed for a few years past coming of age. Why is he rushing things with his son?

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 8, 2021 7:27 am

Despite being short and feeling-like incomplete, this mangas draws your emotions with its dark storyline that contradict it's soft pastel art.

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama January 6, 2021 1:58 pm

I think she might cut her hair to start a new life.

    Butterfly421 January 6, 2021 3:47 pm

    Nah she's about to kill someone........I think

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 24, 2020 8:36 am

I knew that this fucker would also have been reincarnated. But I agree with him. The Emperor is batshit crazy. Compared to the Emperor, this manipulative fucker is a saint.

    Clarissa December 24, 2020 10:25 am

    I kinda disagree with that. They are both shit. But I would rather call the emperor a saint than this bastard. He raped his own brother, not that the emperor didn't do the same but imagine doing those shit with your own brother? And he is the one who ruined everything. Technically, its because of him why this emperor turned the way he is. It's not like the emperor is a good person to begin with but he used to be gentle and kind with the uke until this bastard appear.

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 24, 2020 2:39 pm
    I kinda disagree with that. They are both shit. But I would rather call the emperor a saint than this bastard. He raped his own brother, not that the emperor didn't do the same but imagine doing those shit with... Clarissa

    No. As romantic partners, the brother and the Emperor are both shits and I like neither of them.

    But the brother is much better compared to the Emperor. Come on, he kills all these people daily for his whimsical reasons. Where are the regrets for their lives?
    And he is easily forgiven just because he o
    regrets ONLY hurting his beloved and because he was forced to change.
    That's crap. He didn't kill one, he killed and tortured hundreds of the people. He would even have killed his own son too, had the MC had not stopped him.

    As I mentioned, I don't like neither the brother or the Emperor. In fact, I like that muted maid girl from the previous lifetime as a partner on chapter 24-25.
    She silently endures more labour, goes all the way up the mountain to fetch hot spring water when she can just use plain water, so that she can be near MC and see his welfare while he is recuperating in the hot springs.
    Even the MC praises her unforceful way of showing love.
    "So that's why you knew me so well. You always observed me silently. To see whether I'm alright or not. That would what's like to like someone. rather than forcible trampling upon them saying that you can't hold back anymore."

    Unlike the other two bastards, the maid doesn't expect that the MC should return her feelings. She cares for and loves him without expectation and without hurting him. That is love.

    But this is yaoi, so shipping the maid and the MC is impossible. and it unfortunately looks like the Emperor will be the winner. So, I hope that the MC would die or escapes so the Emperor and the Brother can suffer.

    Clarissa December 24, 2020 3:55 pm
    No. As romantic partners, the brother and the Emperor are both shits and I like neither of them. But the brother is much better compared to the Emperor. Come on, he kills all these people daily for his whimsica... Chiaki@naragathilwithYama

    I'm not saying that the emperor is a good person. He can't be an emperor who conquered a lot of places if he can't kill. Like what I've said they are both shit. I just disagree with you when you said that the brother is a saint compared to the emperor. I'm sorry. But I will never consider a person who raped his own brother a saint. But then that's your opinion so carry on. I'm sorry for disrespecting your opinion.

    Yeah, somehow I think it's not enough that the uke forgive him so easily. But then he is in love so stupid love eh? I can say that the emperor is trying he best to change, he is still in current season but I want him to suffer more? Lol

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 24, 2020 9:12 pm
    I'm not saying that the emperor is a good person. He can't be an emperor who conquered a lot of places if he can't kill. Like what I've said they are both shit. I just disagree with you when you said that the b... Clarissa

    We both agree on the same thing.
    I'm not saying that the brother is a saint literally. I was speaking figuratively and I also replied to you with paragraphs. So more misunderstandings about this topic.
    I actually like this webtoon alot. So, like you, I don't want the MC to accept the ML. I won't be able to take it.
    It would become those mangas like Overdose, Scarlet and Innocent Blue. I hated the endings because I felt that ukes forgave the semes way too easily.
    One of the best groveling manga is

    Clarissa December 24, 2020 9:50 pm
    We both agree on the same thing.I'm not saying that the brother is a saint literally. I was speaking figuratively and I also replied to you with paragraphs. So more misunderstandings about this topic. I actual... Chiaki@naragathilwithYama

    Damn. I love that manhua. Made me cried so hard. I hate that he died but I think thats the best ending for them. I feel like if he will survive he will still end up with the male lead. The only thing that annoys me about the ending is that the cheater also died.

    Clarissa December 24, 2020 9:51 pm
    We both agree on the same thing.I'm not saying that the brother is a saint literally. I was speaking figuratively and I also replied to you with paragraphs. So more misunderstandings about this topic. I actual... Chiaki@naragathilwithYama

    There's this manhwa I read I think a month ago that made me so mad with the seme. Like I consider him the worst that I encountered. I just can't remember the title but its an ongoing one.

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 25, 2020 12:13 am
    There's this manhwa I read I think a month ago that made me so mad with the seme. Like I consider him the worst that I encountered. I just can't remember the title but its an ongoing one. Clarissa

    Please do recommend those groveling mangas you read. I love to shed tears over good one. But please no mangas like Overdose, Innocent Blue, First Love (Miyuki Abe) and Scarlet because those mangas where the uke forgives way too easily makes my blood boil. I like shoujos too, So anything is fine. Thanks.

    Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 25, 2020 12:50 am
    Damn. I love that manhua. Made me cried so hard. I hate that he died but I think thats the best ending for them. I feel like if he will survive he will still end up with the male lead. The only thing that annoy... Clarissa

    That manga and the novel were one of the best tear-jerkers I ever read. Are you talking about Jiang Wen Xu? He didn't die but his fling Chen Zui did die in a car accident.

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 22, 2020 4:48 am

Is it me or does the art confuses anyone? For some reason, I was expecting something yaoi to pop out in the first few chapters. Also, the Ml reminds me of Mads Mikkelsen so much.

Chiaki@naragathilwithYama December 19, 2020 4:20 pm

This is nice but I still hate the Emperor. He carries the sin of over hundreds of lives. If I was the uke, I would NEVER forgive him.

This is why, I can't enjoy the romance without feeling that he doesn't deserve it. I hope he gets a bad ending so he suffers for all of eternity.
The ML's evilness reminds me of Eastern Palace/Goodbye My Princess.

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