Hmmmm one of themes is how you are precieved by others or your appearance. I hope s3 is about breaking that and if the king gets a wife im gunna flip a table. Like I love shin but part of being in a relationship is making your partner feel stable (terrible at). But they are in extreme situations so i'll cut him some slack.
9.5/10 overall this was a great read, read in 1 day. Actually has characters that are strangely realistic by how many flaws they have. Ms. Doh blew my mind by how different she ended up being, I will forever remember her. I would only say many of the characters still have major flaws at the end, much like real life. But, .5 off because it wasn't a perfect story.
hahaha this is the only webtoon I look foward too. Yeah, I think it was a great idea to wait. Keep up the good work, honestly your translates are so detailed and the notes are always so fun to read!