Ninzesina March 6, 2024 9:35 pm

Is it just me? I feel like some dialogues in some of the chapters are kinda off, while I'm grateful for the translation it feels like it might be mtl cause some of the dialogues seriously don't make sense.. anyway thanks for the translation

    Harumaki March 6, 2024 10:58 pm

    I agree, the translation it is a little off. Fortunately the story is kinda simple, so I don't get too lost.

Ninzesina March 5, 2024 9:17 pm

First time seeing a plot like this where both MC and ML come from money or both chaebols so to speak. It's nice to see that money isn't influencing their power dynamics, at least not directly.. usually its always one rich ML and one poor MC or vice versa...

Ninzesina March 5, 2024 8:54 pm

We're at chap 49 and there's only very little plot development.... just them fuckin every other chapter..... at this point I can't even remember what the plot is all about.....

Ninzesina March 5, 2024 4:59 pm

I'm more invested in dohyeok and siwoo. The main couple is meh...Okay dohyeok did really bad things to suha but siwoo isn't any good either he SA'd dohyeok too for what he did to suha? But dude's got no business doing that, and serves him right when dohyeok started threatening him. Both dohyeok and siwoo are mentally unhinged tbh and therefore deserve each other lol. I'm all here for if there are more side stories about them, I like toxic couple lol

    Juward March 6, 2024 4:12 am

    FR they’re more interesting than the main couple. I couldn’t even finish the main story. And I fully expected the author to give us a happy ending with dohyeok and siwoo but now im just bawling my eyes out ╥﹏╥

    Ninzesina March 6, 2024 5:26 am

    Oh, I heard there will be more side stories of the main couple which will include siwoo and dohyeok... but don't quote me on this. I hope if the side stories come out they do end up together after some time skip... crossing fingers..

    Juward March 6, 2024 7:27 am

    OMG actually.. I’m lwk looking forward to that then. Praying it happens . But I also lwk want a continued separate story for dohyeok and siwoo. I wanna see siwoo groveling LOL

Ninzesina February 29, 2024 1:57 pm

I wished Gitae was petty, like when jinwoo called him dojun, gitae shoul have called his ex's name. Hahaha that would have been a sight to see and jinwoo would probably get a taste of his own medicine

Ninzesina February 24, 2024 6:30 pm

That isn't a cock that's a fire hydrant.... i actually prefer lightsabers to uncensored ones, that thing shocked RIP sejin's butt.

Ninzesina February 24, 2024 2:10 pm

First time seeing a ML openly admit that a potential 2nd ML or a potential love rival as handsome. Such a nice thing to see.....but I have a sneaking suspicion that this statement will be a stepping stone to MC's future misunderstanding lol. I'm all here for

Ninzesina February 15, 2024 9:24 pm

Like who gets into a relationship with someone when you're still not over your ex? And the audacity of inviting his ex and [not telling the uke] to confirm who he loves more? On what was supposed to be a congratulatory dinner for the uke for his new job?? Also, the fact that seme said i love you wataru, the most? Like tf? So he still loves his ex then? Woah, this seme is fucking trash..walking asshole red flag, uke should run for the hills...

    Sofia February 15, 2024 11:28 pm

    Do you actually live in real life or only through reading stories online and watching movies?Cause it sounds like you don't know how human feelings works.A LOT of people enter in new relationships while still not being over their ex.Am i saying is the right thing to do? Obviously not,but for some it's a coping mechanism.Some people just aren't good at being alone and so they go search for someone else.Some want to numb the pain and try to fall in love with someone else.There's countless reasons.Wataru did that too,he briefly dated a girl while still having feelings for his ex.Soma never lied about still loving the ex.He didn't make false promises,and they weren't even officially dating,so why is he an asshole exactly?I wouldn't vote him for president but he's depicted like a realistic human being,whose indecisive and lost.But he never had bad intentions.And besides,feelings arent black and white.You can't just turn on or shut off your emotions like a switc, obviously you're still gonna love the people who you had a strong connection with,especially if you ended the story in good terms.But loving someone and being in love with them it's different.I dont get why he's trash for having normal human feelings.You shouldn't romanticize people that much,it makes you lose touch with reality,nobody's perfect and nobody's do the right things all the time,doesn't make them trash

    Ninzesina February 16, 2024 12:29 am

    Did I offend you? We can agree to disagree respectfully at that there's no need to
    Character asssasinate me and asking whether I live in the real world and that i dont know how human feelings work? Are you 12? My opinion is my opinion and it is valid as much as yours. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. And I don't agree with your opinion and you can disagree with mine. Whether I deemed the seme trash isn't your right to negate cause they are based on my values and clearly they are different from yours and thats okay and we can both agree to disagree. This is a manhwa and my comments are not directed at you, why so triggered with people with differing opinions? Geez, lighten up

    Sofia February 16, 2024 12:39 am
    Did I offend you? We can agree to disagree respectfully at that there's no need to Character asssasinate me and asking whether I live in the real world and that i dont know how human feelings work? Are you 12? ... Ninzesina

    I'm just baffled at how soo many people are so quick to call someone trash and to judge them without looking at context or without dwelling deeper on their thoughts.Sure this is just a silly little story but if this is your way of thinking i bet it reflects at how you look at people in real life and i just think its sad how in today's world there's such a lack of empathy

    Ninzesina February 16, 2024 12:56 am

    I'm a stranger on the Internet. You don't even know me, so you read a paragraph of what I expressed about a manhwa and suddenly you know all about me and it becomes a reflection on how I must view people in real life? You accuse me for not having empathy for the characters and that I don't look at context and yet here you are character assassinating someone you haven't met, a stranger on the internet based off one paragraph they wrote....Haha, talk about oxymoron.

    Sofia February 16, 2024 6:14 am
    I'm a stranger on the Internet. You don't even know me, so you read a paragraph of what I expressed about a manhwa and suddenly you know all about me and it becomes a reflection on how I must view people in rea... Ninzesina

    For one,I didn't say I knew everything about you.And I am looking at context,Im judging you based on your actions and words,which people do even after knowing you for years.If you present yourself in a certain way people are gonna perceive you in that way,simple as that.if you're so quick to call someone trash,which is quite harsh,then you're quick to judge people.See, there's a connection.At least,if you're a coherent person

    Ninzesina February 16, 2024 7:57 am

    Again like I said, oxymoron.So, I'm quick to judge a character in calling the seme trash and you're not? when you're judging me, an Internet stranger who you know nothing about and judging me based on my opinion [which is entirely valid] that the seme is trash just cause it differs from yours? Plss, walk the talk. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. Your definition of a trash and mine aren't the same and it doesn't have to be the same. Pointless arguing with some who thinks they're entitled to shove their opinions down everyone's throat and god forbid have a different opinion or values. Sod off.

    Sofia February 16, 2024 8:18 am
    Again like I said, oxymoron.So, I'm quick to judge a character in calling the seme trash and you're not? when you're judging me, an Internet stranger who you know nothing about and judging me based on my opini... Ninzesina

    AHAHAHA I'm not shoving my opinion down anyone's throat though?It's not like I'm saying you SHOULD think like me,I'm stating an opinion in contraddiction to yours hoping you could change your mind, that's why people have conversations,cause people can still change their mind.And again,I'm not judging your entire persona, I'm judging a part of your character based on your words.Words are people's business card,you can tell a lot by how someone talks and think.That's all.And I can tell a lot even by how you chose to go about the conversation.You didn't even try to argue the reasons of your opinion,you just instantly jumped on being defensive,how is that having a conversation?I'm entitled to my opinion cause you didn't even try to change my mind

Ninzesina February 15, 2024 5:48 pm

I think the seme will be trash tbh, will sleep with our precious yeomin and toss him.... poor yeomin, just got back, probably hadn't eaten all day, hungry and already being jumped. He was so excited and sincere tooo... I can't ...angst will be coming in the future too, I'm sure.. nooooo

Ninzesina February 13, 2024 10:35 am

The art style isn't my cup of tea tbh but boy the plot is really very good. It's different from the usual I pay your debt-you give me your body kinda situation. Well at least slightly different. They communicate well too. This was quite pleasant to read. Highly recommend.

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