So I read this manga a long time ago and I don't remember the title. It's about this guy and the girls around him. The girls are all really weird. It's not really a harem since he's not interested in any of them. One of the girls has narcolepsy so she's always sleeping in the infirmary and another is a killer. I think there's also one who's a yandere but I'm not sur about this one.
The guy is kind of apathic and wonders why the girls around him are all so weird.

Hi! Looking for stories where the uke or the seme is being someone's replacement for a dead lover, sibling and so on, and because of that they suffer. Thanks.

haven't actually read this so im shooting in the dark here

Has any of you guys ever did a religious "coming out"? I don't know if that's the correct term but I want to do mine but I'm way too scared

Yea I did mine a year ago. I was kinda scared at how they’d react, they think I’ve been religious my whole life but I’ve been an atheist for 3 years. Anyways I told them and my dad got really pissed basically and started asking questions like “oh so you think...”etc etc etc just acting like I was a horrible person. My mom was kind of shocked I think but she pulled it together and told my dad to calm down and that she’s basically support me no matter what. There was kind of a tension between me and my dad for 2 weeks still tho (he’s deeply religious/spiritual) until i couldn’t take it and essentially kind of broke and told him everything on my mind. He apologized and since then we’ve moved over it. I still have to participate in religious holidays and go to temples and pray with them but it’s whatever

My CCD teacher told me I'd come back to God, my mom wanted me to get Confirmed so she cried, and my atheist dad just asked if I could get Confirmed so my mom would be happy. He didn't quite get that me not getting confirmed was about being true to myself and not wanting to disrespect Catholics by doing a ritual of theirs with false vows. My maternal grandmother just said, "No, you're not," when I told her I was an atheist.

My mom's over it, though. Was pretty find with my little bro being an atheist because he got confirmed. She probably doesn't like him acknowledging it, though. She thinks I influence him a lot and might think it's my fault he's an atheist. She actually blamed me for his romantic orientation, lol. She's an odd lady, but I love her.

Hello! Are there any americans or people who know enough about American history to tell me why the 2nd amendment (about firearms) was ratified in the constitution in 1791?
I looked online and still isn't clear in my head.

This is going to an oversimplified answer, but maybe it will set you on the path to understanding. Basically, America did not have the laws, police force, or giant, well-organized and armed military that it does now. At the time, militias were voluntary (meaning farmers or merchants would leave their farms or shops and help out for a while) and state-run. There isn't much of a federal government at this point. So, if the military is composed of volunteers and there isn't any federal funding, it's kind of a BYOG situation- everyone 'bring your own gun' when you volunteer, and even if you don't join the militia, you can still protect your family on the farm or homestead if the British come by. America is huge, even at this point in history, there is a lot of space and sparse population. You may be on your own in the wilderness, essentially.
It's hard to imagine no police, no military, and no law and order, but that's basically why the right to bare arms came about in the US. Hope this helps!

This is going to be an oversimplified answer, but maybe it will set you on the path to understanding. Basically, America did not have the laws, police force, or giant, well-organized and armed military that it does now. At the time, militias were voluntary (meaning farmers or merchants would leave their farms or shops and help out for a while) and state-run. There isn't much of a federal government at this point. So, if the military is composed of volunteers and there isn't any federal funding, it's kind of a BYOG situation- everyone 'bring your own gun' when you volunteer, and even if you don't join the militia, you can still protect your family on the farm or homestead if the British come by. America is huge, even at this point in history, and there is a lot of space but sparse population. You may be on your own in the wilderness, essentially.
It's hard to imagine no police, no military, and no law and order, but that's basically why the right to bear arms came about in the US. Hope this helps!

Hi guys, I wanted to have a discussion about something.
I don't feel any emotional attachement to the people around me. I see myself as an introvert but I have no problem interacting with people. Usually people say that I am nice. I don't think that I am hated but I also am not especially loved. I am very secretive, I never talk about myself and if I do it usually is about thing with little importance. I talk to people I know via messages but I never start the conversation because I don't feel the need to talk to them. It's the same with my family, I don't talk to them unless I meet them. I feel weird because I always hear people talking about how they wouldn't be able to live without their friends or family, but I don't have anyone like that in my life. I don't miss them and I would probably be fine even if I didn't talk to them at all. I have never fell in love to and it might be connected to it. I wonder if I am just very selfish or is it that I am just very picky?
Anyone else has the same problem?

you should have friends, then, the probability of you being bullied is zero... if you have financial or shelter problem you could depend on your friends just like the Main character in Molly's Game movie, she sleep in her friend's couch for several months..... just remember, people were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used

I felt the same. In my case, I was very distressed bc my family used to say that I was too apathetic, that I didn’t care about them at all. I disposed quickly of friendships bc I didn’t feel any connection with them whatsoever. I’m ashamed to say that, but I even ignored my pets and didn’t feed them by I didn’t care (luckily my sister was there to fix my neglect). I don’t know if you feel the need of changing that, but after some events in my life that apathy changed (I can’t explain what made my life perspective change so much honestly) and now I can truly say I care about the friends that I have in my life and my nearest family members. I still have some of that apathy inside me (it become noticeable when my grandma died and I didn’t feel anything at all), but things change and I wanted to change so I make an effort everyday to care about things. I feel less empty that way.



I feel the same too. I choose not to interact with people unless necessary but I’m not bullied or anything. There’s this other girl in my class who doesn’t interact with anyone but no one bullies her, that’s what great about my class is that they’ll accept you for who you are. I also don’t talk with my family much but that’s okay. It’s okay to not talk to someone, your not being selfish or picky, although some people are, but it’s fine, there’s nothing to worry about.
Any story where the main character is simply mentally spiralling for whatever reason and ends up commiting suicide in the end ?? Kind of like Efforts never Betray