2024-09-23 08:41 marked

Not getting angry to compromise on Leo's performance is still JJ's fault according to people siding with Leo. I can't
This does not excuse JJ in ch 14. Author not doing the correct parallels but other than that? Yeah everything makes sense.
2024-09-23 08:41 marked

2024-09-23 08:41 marked
2024-09-23 08:41 marked
2024-09-23 08:41 marked
2024-09-23 08:41 marked

And don't come talk shit about how he should have been more communicative. Hell, you see how Leo never cared. JJ told him stuff, and he never bothered to remember. Even in this chapter you see how JJ asked to go on a trip together but giving him time and attention wasn't on Leo's schedule. Even in ch 1, Leo was angry at JJ for choosing to leave their apartment but JJ did, in fact, tell him about it, he just didn't care. And when your partner doesn't care, and when your problems and ideas become troublesome for them, maybe because you want to stay with them you start to speak up less, because you grow tired of being ignored even when you do talk.
You just realize one day that where you are with that person you love, is not good for you, and you decide /you/ are more important than the love you have for them.
2024-09-23 08:41 marked

I really don't get why you're all defending him, saying people who support J.J are projecting. How does that make sense? I saw someone saying that, but then admits they like toxic characters, yet somehow people who defend J.J are far more worse? I get that complex characters are interesting, theres character development, they go through ups and downs, but that hasn't happened with Leo yet, he's still the same as before and you guys are thinking like he's had his redemption arch just because he's all depressed now and realizing his mistakes have consequences. Get real.
If anyone here is projecting, it's those people that still think Leo is right, despite his flaws being laid out in front of everyone every single chapter, you guys still continue to play blind.
2024-09-23 08:40 marked
2024-09-23 08:40 marked
2024-09-23 08:40 marked
2024-09-16 20:22 marked
2024-09-16 20:22 marked

2024-09-16 19:58 marked

2024-09-16 19:56 marked
i feel like he did not kill Nathaniel