this manhwa just kept getting worse and worse. starting each chapter and seeing the same warning for sexual violence was disappointing. i adore the art and many of the characters, however the gangrape and incest was just not it. felt like i was reading some sickening fetish porn, not something that was supposed to have actual plot.
so much plot that was just ignored too like the way the author just never properly explained what happened between dooshik and eunwoo? we dont even know exactly what eunwoo did to him. and then best boy hosung disappeared (despite his whole thing with pilwon that seemed important) for so long only to come back for 2 seconds at the hospital and disappear again.
OMG THE AUTHOR'S RELEASING A SEQUEL!! i think 1 chapter is out so far omg omg aaa i love these two so much
on twitter the author talked abt the 1st ch being released but im not sure where it was released sorryy. their twt is skyfly_boy
heres a link to the tweet, just remove the spaces:
https ://twitter. com/ skyfly_boy/status/ 1738120271234834825/ photo/1