The ex was a dick--hands down. When you really love and respect someone, you don't brag about the stuff you used to do in bed with their new significant other. That just goes to show that he is thinking of Aki as a possession and not a person. Also, first of all, he preyed on a confused kid when he could have just waited until he understood his feelings a little more. Secondly, he tried to force Aki to either do what he wanted--and ONLY what he wanted--or break up, which is an extremely shitty and selfish thing to do. Third, he outed Aki to his father, which was totally not his place to do, that was something that Aki needed to come to terms with finally doing on his own. And the prick did it out of spite, which made it 10 times worse. And finally, he realized that he did a shitty thing by trying to make Aki give up everything for him, but instead of apologizing and trying to win him over again, he comes back doing the exact same shit: saying shitty things to Aki's loved ones in order to isolate him, so that he can pressure Aki into doing what HE wants YET AGAIN.
He is a selfish twat, and he deserves all the heartbreak that he gets.

True enough, Alex's backstory is not original, but really, this is not a tragedy or anything. It's just romance and smut and about everyday people in everday life, so yeah, pretty basic stuff. Tbh, I wasn't expecting anything particularly original. Also, whether Korean manhwa, Chinese manhua or Japanese manga, I could name more unoriginal/non-spectacular plots/backstories than the opposite. It doesn't matter whether it's yaoi or het. Originality is kinda difficult to come across.

But in some cases this does happen in reality and it makes people sad..well it definitely makes me sad..cuz I know friends who have parents like this and it’s horrible to think that my parent will only ‘love’ me if I’m on top of my grades And that I’m good or better than someone else higher than me. Like..I think it’s a good message to spread to people that even if you have money and wealth it doesn’t mean that everything will Be perfect especially people in your life. (Btw wealth isn’t always the situation)

For the most part, I don't see sad back stories as a means to spark forgiveness, but rathet as a means to shed light and make way for understanding. Layers are good as far as characters are concerned, because, generally speaking, people aren't usually just "good" or "bad" and nothing more--"usually" being the operative word. A lot of the time, people have to first recognize then deal with their demons and, finally, atone for their screw ups. So, I also like character growth.
For the record, "understanding" and "excusing" are two different things. I'm not giving Alex a pass, but I'm not gonna act like I've never done a crappy thing ever. You live and you learn--hopefully.

Well, this story is definitely being drawn out and is, as a result, quite a melodramatic headache. I don't hate this series, but it's definitely far what I consider good--by any means--despite starting out great. Both the leads are doing dumb stuff and stay in their feelings 24/7 and it's very annoying -__-. One hides stuff and then gets hurt by the backlash of his own decisions, and the other throws temper tantrums like every 5 chapters. I mean, really. This is basically why I stopped watching dramas in 2008, and I was just a kid then...
Also, if someone dislikes this seriea and expresses complaints about it/its characters, then they are entitled to their own opinion. It might not match yours, but I promise you it's not that deep. If you think it sucks, it sucks. If you don't, then you don't. Simple as that.

Also, I got the names mixed up, btw. Just in case anyone cares...which no one does likely does most likely. My comment flew out too quickly. T__T

I actually think you made a very good point, mixed up names or not. Artifitial drama is here to drag the story - if the characters behaved reasonable there would need to be another source of conflict. Kinda why "romance is the only plot" and "they're already together" stories tend to suck. Bad writing, but oh well, as long as Lezhin cashes in

Frankly, I think BOTH the MCs are being dramatic and a bit ridiculous right now...well, almost all along, really. They can hurl insults and hurtful words easily but not talk out their problems, fears and/or seriously important issues more often? Okay...This third wheel guy situation could have been handled sooner had Jinha just explained who he was. And Siwon would catch far less grief in life if he would stop acting on emotion everytime something happens. Using a little logic in a semi-calm manner ain't too bad. I don't hate either of them, but at least 85% of their problems are totally unnecessary. And for the recird, I don't think that the people who hate Siwon are toxic to the BL community. It's nothing more than a difference of opinion. I mean, I'm a logical person, so seeing these two be so illogical is all but driving me nuts. It is what it is. I'm still reading this for now.
I went into this expecting not to like it very much, but wow, was I ever a fool! I am totally hooked. This series is already awesome.